Hello All.
I haven't posted anything in a while, partly because I'm very lazy and procrastinate all the time, and partly because I don't think anyone actually reads anything I put on here.
I'm back at uni and already constantly tired. That place is a massive sponge that absorbs all the energy of anyone with any degree of focus and determination that is silly enough to enter into it. I'm very silly.
I'm very broke because I kicked my bad housemate out because I got sick of putting up with him being an absolute asshole and stealing from me all the time just because I needed his rent ... so of course now I'm very, very broke because I'm paying 2/3 of the rent here to cover his share now that he's gone. The price you pay to not be used and abused. My wonderful man is being very supportive and helping me out as much as he can, which helps a lot.
I have a new focus for my hobby and creative side when I finally get someone else to take the room here and get some money back for myself - photography. I love the SG's because of how creative (and hot of course) some of them are with what they create, so I've decided that I plan to be my own SG. I'll take nice, creative nekkid pictures of myself - just because I can. I don't think I'll ever apply to put them on here because I'm way too paranoid. I already have two different set ideas that have never been done here on SG in this way. I have lots to do before I can start this (a lot involving buying decent equipment for the purpose), but I'm very excited about it. My man is too.
Anyway, this post is primarily a procrastination attempt to avoid writing a journalism ethics essay that I have due this week. I've been avoiding it for the last couple of weeks because I really hate starting essays - I like writing them, but starting them is always a stumbling block. I guess I have to get back to it.
Be well.
I haven't posted anything in a while, partly because I'm very lazy and procrastinate all the time, and partly because I don't think anyone actually reads anything I put on here.
I'm back at uni and already constantly tired. That place is a massive sponge that absorbs all the energy of anyone with any degree of focus and determination that is silly enough to enter into it. I'm very silly.
I'm very broke because I kicked my bad housemate out because I got sick of putting up with him being an absolute asshole and stealing from me all the time just because I needed his rent ... so of course now I'm very, very broke because I'm paying 2/3 of the rent here to cover his share now that he's gone. The price you pay to not be used and abused. My wonderful man is being very supportive and helping me out as much as he can, which helps a lot.
I have a new focus for my hobby and creative side when I finally get someone else to take the room here and get some money back for myself - photography. I love the SG's because of how creative (and hot of course) some of them are with what they create, so I've decided that I plan to be my own SG. I'll take nice, creative nekkid pictures of myself - just because I can. I don't think I'll ever apply to put them on here because I'm way too paranoid. I already have two different set ideas that have never been done here on SG in this way. I have lots to do before I can start this (a lot involving buying decent equipment for the purpose), but I'm very excited about it. My man is too.

Anyway, this post is primarily a procrastination attempt to avoid writing a journalism ethics essay that I have due this week. I've been avoiding it for the last couple of weeks because I really hate starting essays - I like writing them, but starting them is always a stumbling block. I guess I have to get back to it.
Be well.
How have you been?
im glad you liked the dolls
i haven't been up to much, just goofing off and working
i love your two newer profile pics
i just knew you were gorgeous based on those pretty lips and i was right
anyway, don't be a stranger