The other night I conducted a little experiment called "what happens when you mix dodgy mail order pharmaceuticals with a bottle of wine" (Okay so maybe that doesn't sound too smart, but boredom combined with the extremely irritating sensation of healing tattoo itchiness made it seem like an absolutely brilliant idea at the time)
The result was a fabulously inebriated evening of taking my frustrations out on a piece of paper (God I miss doing 'real art' there's something so soothing about the act of channeling all the chaos in your head through the tip of a pencil.)
Here was the end product.

Florida has been an interesting experience thus far. I was hoping to shoot a new SG set today but the last time i stepped foot outside I got mauled by mosquitos and therefore I currently find myself covered in horrible unsexy little red bumps. Lovely.
Yeah I know that's what photoshop is for but Im not sure Im ready yet for round two of being eaten alive as the original plan was to shoot outdoors.
Does anyone know of a really good anti vampiric bug remedy? that "OFF" spray just isn't cutting it. (My blood must be like champagne to those little fuckers)
Speaking of photos Dijiti l took some AMAZING photos from one of my sleeve sessions up at Exo Graphix.
I <3 him! He's such a little photographic genius and I adore the way he captured my shameless narcissism perfectly in the mirror shot 

Im going in today to book a touch up appointment for those who missed it in my last blog here was the finished piece of skin and ink

Is it too soon to have more work done??? Shall I fight the tattoo addiction and wait a while before I dive in asking for more pain and more permanent pictures to be scribbled on my body? Or shall I give into my urges and justify it by telling everyone around me currently screaming at me to stop that "I was bored, had a pocket full of money and nothing better to do."
Ahh the joy of being on holiday and being reckless
xox O
The result was a fabulously inebriated evening of taking my frustrations out on a piece of paper (God I miss doing 'real art' there's something so soothing about the act of channeling all the chaos in your head through the tip of a pencil.)
Here was the end product.

Florida has been an interesting experience thus far. I was hoping to shoot a new SG set today but the last time i stepped foot outside I got mauled by mosquitos and therefore I currently find myself covered in horrible unsexy little red bumps. Lovely.
Yeah I know that's what photoshop is for but Im not sure Im ready yet for round two of being eaten alive as the original plan was to shoot outdoors.
Does anyone know of a really good anti vampiric bug remedy? that "OFF" spray just isn't cutting it. (My blood must be like champagne to those little fuckers)
Speaking of photos Dijiti l took some AMAZING photos from one of my sleeve sessions up at Exo Graphix.

Im going in today to book a touch up appointment for those who missed it in my last blog here was the finished piece of skin and ink

Is it too soon to have more work done??? Shall I fight the tattoo addiction and wait a while before I dive in asking for more pain and more permanent pictures to be scribbled on my body? Or shall I give into my urges and justify it by telling everyone around me currently screaming at me to stop that "I was bored, had a pocket full of money and nothing better to do."
Ahh the joy of being on holiday and being reckless
xox O
also go for more ink! no go...cant decide! do what ever gets you to your toronto gig the fastest!
if its around the end of augest u should go with the other Sg to rue-morgue's festival of fear! which i work at
linkie! ^^