[singing] *Im leaaavin on a jet plaaane, dont know if Ill be back again!*
(might not be back you say?.... Huh?.... What?.... Well... I guess anything is possible given the circumstances of this particular trip)
Tomorrow is the start of the biggest adventure Ive had since my random decision to run away to Russia to spend the summer in a blur of sunny afternoons on the Baltic beaches and late nights at the dacha sharing vodka and soviet champagne amongst both gypsies and friends.
Yes, thats right tomorrow morning Im off to the airport, to tick something my list of things to do before I die that has been hovering around the top since about 2001
Tomorrow Im shipping off to Black Rock City, Nevada for Burning Man.
Okay so a festival may not sound as adventurous as some of the other things Ive got up to in the past, but at this point in my life, this trip has become so much more than just some music event to me.
I dunno. Its been a weird year actually a weird couple of years I guess. Im sure thats hardly news to anyone who actually reads these damn things but for those who dont Ill just say this lately its kind of seemed as if life thinks its bloody hilarious to tease me with false promises. Its like all the things I want always seem to get dangled in front of my nose just long enough for me to get my hopes built up before fate decides to be a cruel bastard and snatch it away from me.
Yeah I know quit moaning lifes a bitch
Point being however,
This trip to me in oh so many ways signifies a big middle finger up to life, fate, destiny whatever you want to call it.
That being said
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, the first day of a new way of thinking. From here on out, any little nasty that the world decides to put in front of me is going to end up in a blood soaked mess on the floor cause Im gonna give it black eyes, rip its jugular out with my teeth and then stand over its corpse shouting back at the heavens like some kind of crazed hooligan
er or something like that
uh where was i?
So heres a big smiling FUCK OFF to all the shit thats been bringing me down lately!
This trip wasnt going to happen as of last month but it is now.
Because Ive decided that from here on out nothing and no one is going to stand in the way of me getting EVERYTHING I want in life.
I said I was going to Burning Man so damnit! Hell or high water I am!!
Call it reckless, call it irresponsible but tomorrow Im off to Idaho to road trip with a handful of strangers who I met through Myspace (and have only spoken to briefly through emails) to road trip to the middle of nowhere in Nevada to have what Im determined to make THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!
Nevermind the fact that the laptop Im using for the gig is being held together by gaffer tape
Nevermind the fact that I cant really afford it
Nevermind the fact Im camping with people Ive never met Nevermind the fact that I have to learn to ride a bike when I get there and nevermind the fact that I have no idea how Im going to get to San Francisco to catch my flight back to London
Hurdles they may bebut Ill clear them when I have to
and for the time beingIm just gonna say
Yesterday I felt like a kid in a candy store when I went to London to get my desert attire (which consists of 8 wild lingerie/burlesque outfits yeah Im going to run around the desert in my underwear the whole time! Wh00oo Hoo!)
Im looking forward to getting lost Im looking forward to making new friends and hanging out with new people Im looking forward soaking up the sun and and positive west coast vibes and having a total escape from everything so I can come back to England with a fresh head and a new start =)
No ditching my emo outlook on life isnt the only big change I have planned Im moving as soon as I get back to London as well! Something Im really looking forward to actually! (even if trying to pack up all my shit and get ready for burning man at the same time has left my brain feeling like its been run over by a steam roller)
[end self motivational rant]
and moving on to shameless self promotional bollocks: Ive added a new song to my Myspace player called End Of The World which I wrote especially for my impending gig in the desert (SHOUTS TO MY LITTLE BRO DIJITAL FOR THE BACKING VOX!! I <3 YOU!)
For those going Ill be playing @ the Autosub Dome (3:00 and Eslanade) from 12:00am 1:30am
Come say hello!
I should be easy to spot Ill be the terrified burner virgin wearing only her underwear whose covered in dust from falling off her bike all day. Haha!
Speaking of music I have a new single coming out SOON on Lot49 called Empty Vodka Bottles. The masters just came back and Im happy to report it all sounds FUCKING HUGE!
Remixes by Kid Blue, Jon Gurd & Pyramid, plus a sexy pin up photo shoot to mark the occasion....
Yes September is going to be a month of big happenings indeed =)
And not to forget my non music related self promotional bollocks:
Ive got a new photoset in MR on Suicide girls titled unspoken
If youre a member go to www.suicidegirls.com/girls/odissi and show some love
So um YEAH! thats it!
Ill see you guys September 10th hopefully with lots of lovely pictures and tales of debauchery!
Before I go Ill leave you with this thought
Whoever said leopards cant change their spots is a dumb ass of course they can all it would take is a bit of peroxide and some black hair dye durrrr!
The world is mine now Im gonna fucking rule it.
Beats and kisses
OH by the way
Someone brought it to my attention the other day that Im one of 2 people being followed by the Stanton Warriors on twitter???
Haha WTF? How bizarre. I dont know if I should be flattered or bust out the stalker repellent!
If youre on twitter I think you should all go tweet @stantonwarriors and call Dom Stanton out on it for LOLz go on I dare ya
(might not be back you say?.... Huh?.... What?.... Well... I guess anything is possible given the circumstances of this particular trip)
Tomorrow is the start of the biggest adventure Ive had since my random decision to run away to Russia to spend the summer in a blur of sunny afternoons on the Baltic beaches and late nights at the dacha sharing vodka and soviet champagne amongst both gypsies and friends.
Yes, thats right tomorrow morning Im off to the airport, to tick something my list of things to do before I die that has been hovering around the top since about 2001
Tomorrow Im shipping off to Black Rock City, Nevada for Burning Man.
Okay so a festival may not sound as adventurous as some of the other things Ive got up to in the past, but at this point in my life, this trip has become so much more than just some music event to me.
I dunno. Its been a weird year actually a weird couple of years I guess. Im sure thats hardly news to anyone who actually reads these damn things but for those who dont Ill just say this lately its kind of seemed as if life thinks its bloody hilarious to tease me with false promises. Its like all the things I want always seem to get dangled in front of my nose just long enough for me to get my hopes built up before fate decides to be a cruel bastard and snatch it away from me.
Yeah I know quit moaning lifes a bitch
Point being however,
This trip to me in oh so many ways signifies a big middle finger up to life, fate, destiny whatever you want to call it.
That being said
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, the first day of a new way of thinking. From here on out, any little nasty that the world decides to put in front of me is going to end up in a blood soaked mess on the floor cause Im gonna give it black eyes, rip its jugular out with my teeth and then stand over its corpse shouting back at the heavens like some kind of crazed hooligan
er or something like that
uh where was i?
So heres a big smiling FUCK OFF to all the shit thats been bringing me down lately!
This trip wasnt going to happen as of last month but it is now.
Because Ive decided that from here on out nothing and no one is going to stand in the way of me getting EVERYTHING I want in life.
I said I was going to Burning Man so damnit! Hell or high water I am!!
Call it reckless, call it irresponsible but tomorrow Im off to Idaho to road trip with a handful of strangers who I met through Myspace (and have only spoken to briefly through emails) to road trip to the middle of nowhere in Nevada to have what Im determined to make THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!
Nevermind the fact that the laptop Im using for the gig is being held together by gaffer tape
Nevermind the fact that I cant really afford it
Nevermind the fact Im camping with people Ive never met Nevermind the fact that I have to learn to ride a bike when I get there and nevermind the fact that I have no idea how Im going to get to San Francisco to catch my flight back to London
Hurdles they may bebut Ill clear them when I have to
and for the time beingIm just gonna say
Yesterday I felt like a kid in a candy store when I went to London to get my desert attire (which consists of 8 wild lingerie/burlesque outfits yeah Im going to run around the desert in my underwear the whole time! Wh00oo Hoo!)
Im looking forward to getting lost Im looking forward to making new friends and hanging out with new people Im looking forward soaking up the sun and and positive west coast vibes and having a total escape from everything so I can come back to England with a fresh head and a new start =)
No ditching my emo outlook on life isnt the only big change I have planned Im moving as soon as I get back to London as well! Something Im really looking forward to actually! (even if trying to pack up all my shit and get ready for burning man at the same time has left my brain feeling like its been run over by a steam roller)
[end self motivational rant]
and moving on to shameless self promotional bollocks: Ive added a new song to my Myspace player called End Of The World which I wrote especially for my impending gig in the desert (SHOUTS TO MY LITTLE BRO DIJITAL FOR THE BACKING VOX!! I <3 YOU!)
For those going Ill be playing @ the Autosub Dome (3:00 and Eslanade) from 12:00am 1:30am
Come say hello!
I should be easy to spot Ill be the terrified burner virgin wearing only her underwear whose covered in dust from falling off her bike all day. Haha!
Speaking of music I have a new single coming out SOON on Lot49 called Empty Vodka Bottles. The masters just came back and Im happy to report it all sounds FUCKING HUGE!
Remixes by Kid Blue, Jon Gurd & Pyramid, plus a sexy pin up photo shoot to mark the occasion....
Yes September is going to be a month of big happenings indeed =)
And not to forget my non music related self promotional bollocks:
Ive got a new photoset in MR on Suicide girls titled unspoken
If youre a member go to www.suicidegirls.com/girls/odissi and show some love
So um YEAH! thats it!
Ill see you guys September 10th hopefully with lots of lovely pictures and tales of debauchery!
Before I go Ill leave you with this thought
Whoever said leopards cant change their spots is a dumb ass of course they can all it would take is a bit of peroxide and some black hair dye durrrr!

The world is mine now Im gonna fucking rule it.
Beats and kisses
OH by the way
Someone brought it to my attention the other day that Im one of 2 people being followed by the Stanton Warriors on twitter???
Haha WTF? How bizarre. I dont know if I should be flattered or bust out the stalker repellent!
If youre on twitter I think you should all go tweet @stantonwarriors and call Dom Stanton out on it for LOLz go on I dare ya
Enjoy your trip