Ever wonder what it would be like to fuck a cheerleader? + amusing video from my last spain gig
okay... so I thought this was kind of funny. i shamelessly admit that once upon a time I was a cheerleader in highschool. (burn her! shame her! cast stones at her! for she has shamed her family!!)
well... actually... wait...no... it wasn't really like that... I guess you could say I was kind of the 'anti-cheerleader'. not really sure why I auditioned, I guess because I was bored and thought it would be 'amusing' because I was so far away from the traditional stereotype associated with girls who partake in such extra curricular activities. I made the team (as I knew I would) because I was good at dance / gymnastics and was small enough to be thrown in the air.... but needless to say the other girls hated me because I was the 'weird punk rock girl' with multi coloured hair that didn't really fit into the preppy upper echelons of the school.
I ended up getting kicked off the squad when I missed cheering for our football team the state football championships for a DJ gig... haha! (at least i kept my priorities in the right order eh?)
anyways... I had to dig out the uniform last night to wear to work.... (it was fantasy night at the club and I needed a costume to wear) and was so pleased with the fact that i could still squeeze into something that i used to wear when i was 15-16 that I couldn't resist the photo op.
I figured I would share seeing as this site contains the only people (other than my boyfriend) who would actually appreciate a photograph of a slutty gothic cheerleader....
anyways... in other news.... for those who are into the whole dance music thing... I uploaded a new DJ mix this week.... it can be found here - IN MY MYSPACE BLOG - Its basically a recording from my last gig in spain and is full of big trashy party breaks...
speaking of which... much to my embarrassment... some video has emerged of this event on youtube...
WARNING - contains extreme scenes of drunken singing and bad dancing
lawwwd.... promoters really should know better than to take me out for drinks before an event.... get me hammered and then say "you must play in 20 minutes" ....actually... allowing me to have a bottle of champagne behind the decks is prolly a bad move too...
I look like such a dork! ahahah! nevermind....
In other news.... my first hopeful set goes live in less than a week! eeeeek! *sooo nervous* yet excited at the same time...
stay tuned for more I guess.... now it's time for me to eat some painkillers and crawl back into bed... (feeling a bit rough today... )
much love!

okay... so I thought this was kind of funny. i shamelessly admit that once upon a time I was a cheerleader in highschool. (burn her! shame her! cast stones at her! for she has shamed her family!!)
well... actually... wait...no... it wasn't really like that... I guess you could say I was kind of the 'anti-cheerleader'. not really sure why I auditioned, I guess because I was bored and thought it would be 'amusing' because I was so far away from the traditional stereotype associated with girls who partake in such extra curricular activities. I made the team (as I knew I would) because I was good at dance / gymnastics and was small enough to be thrown in the air.... but needless to say the other girls hated me because I was the 'weird punk rock girl' with multi coloured hair that didn't really fit into the preppy upper echelons of the school.
I ended up getting kicked off the squad when I missed cheering for our football team the state football championships for a DJ gig... haha! (at least i kept my priorities in the right order eh?)
anyways... I had to dig out the uniform last night to wear to work.... (it was fantasy night at the club and I needed a costume to wear) and was so pleased with the fact that i could still squeeze into something that i used to wear when i was 15-16 that I couldn't resist the photo op.
I figured I would share seeing as this site contains the only people (other than my boyfriend) who would actually appreciate a photograph of a slutty gothic cheerleader....
anyways... in other news.... for those who are into the whole dance music thing... I uploaded a new DJ mix this week.... it can be found here - IN MY MYSPACE BLOG - Its basically a recording from my last gig in spain and is full of big trashy party breaks...
speaking of which... much to my embarrassment... some video has emerged of this event on youtube...
WARNING - contains extreme scenes of drunken singing and bad dancing
lawwwd.... promoters really should know better than to take me out for drinks before an event.... get me hammered and then say "you must play in 20 minutes" ....actually... allowing me to have a bottle of champagne behind the decks is prolly a bad move too...
I look like such a dork! ahahah! nevermind....
In other news.... my first hopeful set goes live in less than a week! eeeeek! *sooo nervous* yet excited at the same time...
stay tuned for more I guess.... now it's time for me to eat some painkillers and crawl back into bed... (feeling a bit rough today... )
much love!
Yes, I really am a gunsmith. It's a great job for a geek who likes to make stuff.