BLAH! it's Wednesday....it's cold... worked sucked last night... and i would absolutely KILL for some chocolate right now, (but cant seem to find the energy to get dressed and brave the ice and snow to walk across the street to the store.) Nevermind. I may not have have chocolate and earnings from last night... but at least I have hard nipples due to the cold and this blog to aimlessly rant to.
Gotta look on the bright side I guess...
So anyways,
I just thought I'd share, for those who are interested that I've finally done it! I've submitted a couple hopeful sets to the site! (yay!) .... the first one will go in MR on March 14th...and the other one I only submitted today (so god knows what will happen with that)....
cross your fingers for me eh?
oh! and speaking of crossing your fingers....
The yearly awards ceremony for the kind of music I make is coming up and I've been shortlisted for best vocalist! (whooo hoooo!)
If you can be arsed, and would like to help me out... I would feel very warm and fuzzy if you went to
THIS SITE and showed some love my casting a little vote for me in the best vocalist / mc category

So, other than that... there isn't much going on in my life at the moment.
work has me feeling a bit disgruntled.... as the asshole to gentlemen ratio of customers coming through the door is for some reason greatly disproportionate now. Every man wants to touch, wants to take you back to his hotel or just wants to chat your ear off for hours without spending any money on you. Im starting to have trouble biting my tongue, especially when saying "No you cant touch".... or "No I will not come back to your room and sleep with you" only seems to bring on more begging from their parts...
Where have all the gentlemen in gentlemen's clubs gone?
If i didn't have an amazing man in my life at the moment, I swear I'd be a total man hater.... but that's the unfortunate nature of the beast I guess!
Anyways, I best go shine up my stilettos and put my war paint on!
as always... thanks for listening to me ramble!