SoOoOoOo.... I finally got the guts to submit my application to model here. (eeeek! *nervous*)
Well... not nervous about taking it off... I LOVE BEING NAKED! haha! (in fact it's all part of my day job now since I started stripping a few months ago)... but I am a bit nervous over the thought of possible rejection. Especially since I know that in being part of a very small 'niche' music scene where everybody knows everybody and everybody loves to gossip, the MOMENT I am turned into a "SG Hopefully" it will undoubtedly mean a lot of 'raised eyebrows' in my direction.
Ironically, the dance music industry which is supposed to be open minded and centered around creativity and self expression, can be one of the most oppressive worlds to be in if you are a girl. Everyone expects you to be a 'poster child of modesty' because if you are female, you must first prove that you have true talent, that you are more than a pair of tits in headphones and that you would never use your god given assets to build your career up quicker than a man! (because that wouldn't be fair to those with winkles between their legs now would it?)
On one hand I understand it, but on the other, I think it's such a shame that women are often made to feel embarrassed about their femininity. OoOoOoooh the amount of times I've been at the hotel with other DJ's from my record label getting ready for a gig and have faced the words... "You cant go to the party wearing a skirt! go put some jeans on!" because supposedly bearing your legs on stage means that you are trying to show off to make up for a lack of talents... or something like that.
Shamefully, for a long time I went along with this. Maybe it was a good thing at the time, but now... I've reached a point in my career where I have NOTHING to prove to anyone anymore. Taking it off, both here and at the strip club where I work, is my rebellion.
Who knows, hopefully if I make the cut for SG i can start to change some minds. I'm not the saviour of the female reputation in the breaks scene, but I would love to make the point that ladies don't have to be ashamed of their sexuality, and YOU CAN HAVE TALENT AND BE A SEX KITTEN at the same time! forget about music, that's part of what being female is all about!
The whole idea of "If you've got it, Flaunt it" has always been (in my eyes) a greater statement of feminism than the grow out your body hair and burn your bra stereotype commonly associated with the movement anyway.
*whew* sorry... end rant.
That being said I guess now all I have to do is wait and see huh? : /
Speaking of naked fun,
I'd just like to let evvvvveryone here know... that you can see my tarty lady bits in the flesh every Tuesday - Thursday at Stringfellows Angels on Wardour Street in Soho... (you cant miss me, I stick out like a sore thumb amongst the sea of amazonian silicone injected blondes, but just in case I'm nowhere to be seen ask the manager to call Vixen... yeah.. that's my stage name.... HORRIBLE I know) haha!
Come down! Have a drink... have a dance!
It would seriously 'make my night' to hear someone say 'Hi, I know you from Suicide Girls!'

Nudity aside, life is good at the moment. Another year has arrived and I'm feeling super positive. My music career seems set for nothing but goodness and I've seriously made it my goal to take a good ol' crack at ticking as many things off my 'list of things to do before I die' as physically possible. (becoming an SG one of them of course!)
I've got a feeling that this year is going to rock! .... so bring it!
Now, Im off to pry myself off the couch and get some things done in the studio before returning to the world of "work" tonight.
Until next time...
That photo is awesome!!!
We love youuuu!
mwha mwha mwha mwha