Oh what a day!
I wake up this morning feeling like ass. I didn't sleep a wink, thoughts racing through my head, and pain in my knees. Needless to say this is not very helpful in getting any sleep.
I go to brew coffee and try to start my day normally. No, the coffee pot is filthy, the grounds are still in the machine, and it needs to be cleaned... I mean I would not brew coffee in that thing it was nasty. So I go ahead and clean the machine and brew myself some good coffee. So I go hope on my desktop and log into my email to check on the status of my package. I made a purchase on Friday that I need for school. I need to know when it will be here. The status reads that it is still in MSP. Grrr.... I may not get it today. THIS IS NOT COOL!
I pack up my shit, throw on clothes and head out for a lovely day at school. :sarcasm:
I get to school and get to class. It is public speaking. It turns out that it was a so so day in class. She lectured us on giving impromptu speeches. Which as luck would have it, we will be giving these types of speeches in class on Wednesday. (Anyone see that one coming? Cause I sure did...)
Class finishes and I go to the library to check on the status of my package. Well wouldn't ya know it. It was down for updates, I have class in 10 minutes. FUCK! Still no fucking clue. I run to my next class and sit through a boring lecture about....Shit I don't know and I don't care. It was a guest speaker that was in class. Get done there and head to the 4 plex (which is our big computer lab) and check the status. OH YAY! It says that it is now in Mankato. Which means that I may or may not get it yet today. :sigh:
I head home not feeling the greatest, my stomach is acting funny and well I just kinda felt like shit. I start walking home. It is a balmy -4 degrees F with the wind chill and guess what it is blowing right in my face. (Injection, I got a ride to class today just didn't have a ride home.) So I deal with it thinking happy thoughts of hot coffee and warm comfy pjs....wait a minute... it is monday... that means my fav pjs are in the laundry basket waiting to be washed... FUCK!
Fine.... I am willing to wait... It will be worth it... warm... soft... comfy... dryer fresh pjs... yeah I can wait.
Here's the ingenious part of my cunning plan. I occupied my mind while walking... I didn't feel that wind one bit. I thought about those warm comfy pjs. I get home, drop my bag and find some food. I go back to my room, open my door, wake my computer and hop online. I check emails and the status. WOOT! WOOT! OMG WOOT! my package is out for delivery.
I run out start a fresh pot of coffee, throw my laundry in the washer, start cleaning my room. So about 45 mins pass. I jsut finished vaccuming my room, when I glanced out the window and saw the UPS truck pulling up. The guy gets out and starts heading to the neighbors house. NOOOO!!!! Get back in your truck and give me my package!!! I shit you not I sat on my bed watching him like a hawk with bated breath and everything... it was hilarious! He heads back into his van and doesn't pull away. He emerges a couple of moments later carrying another box. This one reads NEWEGG on it. WAIT That's MINE! Sure as shit he heads towards my place. I run to the door and wait. He drops off the package as we greet each other. I shut the door and make a b line for my room.
I open the box and pull out another box, which holds another box. GAH!! Thankfully the last box held it. My laptop. MY LAPTOP! I do a little happy dance and begin to feverishly open the box, being very careful, looking at everything. Basking in the moment.
Fast forward 3 hours. I am sitting at my desk finishing up the bloat ware removal and finishing getting Vanguard installed. I start the game just to test it out. Oh so pretty. I stop playing and begin working on my homework. As I transfer files over from my desktop. (Still doing that now.)
So here I sit on my bed with a kitty out cold on one side and the other crushing my feet. I feel like shit, I am tired as hell, and I just want to go to bed. BUT WAIT! There's more. I gotta hit my new vapo. Gods I love that thing. I have a question for those that can and are willing to answer it.
What temperature do set for pot? My machine allows for over 500 degrees. I don't think that is needed. But I searched online. Yeah I googled that shit and I found around 400 degrees is what is recommended. Any suggestions for that or is around 400 perfect?
Well enough of my rambling on about my day. I hope that you enjoyed the read.
p.s. Still looking for someone to offer up their cuddling services for these cold MN nights.
I wake up this morning feeling like ass. I didn't sleep a wink, thoughts racing through my head, and pain in my knees. Needless to say this is not very helpful in getting any sleep.

I get to school and get to class. It is public speaking. It turns out that it was a so so day in class. She lectured us on giving impromptu speeches. Which as luck would have it, we will be giving these types of speeches in class on Wednesday. (Anyone see that one coming? Cause I sure did...)
Class finishes and I go to the library to check on the status of my package. Well wouldn't ya know it. It was down for updates, I have class in 10 minutes. FUCK! Still no fucking clue. I run to my next class and sit through a boring lecture about....Shit I don't know and I don't care. It was a guest speaker that was in class. Get done there and head to the 4 plex (which is our big computer lab) and check the status. OH YAY! It says that it is now in Mankato. Which means that I may or may not get it yet today. :sigh:
I head home not feeling the greatest, my stomach is acting funny and well I just kinda felt like shit. I start walking home. It is a balmy -4 degrees F with the wind chill and guess what it is blowing right in my face. (Injection, I got a ride to class today just didn't have a ride home.) So I deal with it thinking happy thoughts of hot coffee and warm comfy pjs....wait a minute... it is monday... that means my fav pjs are in the laundry basket waiting to be washed... FUCK!

Here's the ingenious part of my cunning plan. I occupied my mind while walking... I didn't feel that wind one bit. I thought about those warm comfy pjs. I get home, drop my bag and find some food. I go back to my room, open my door, wake my computer and hop online. I check emails and the status. WOOT! WOOT! OMG WOOT! my package is out for delivery.
I run out start a fresh pot of coffee, throw my laundry in the washer, start cleaning my room. So about 45 mins pass. I jsut finished vaccuming my room, when I glanced out the window and saw the UPS truck pulling up. The guy gets out and starts heading to the neighbors house. NOOOO!!!! Get back in your truck and give me my package!!! I shit you not I sat on my bed watching him like a hawk with bated breath and everything... it was hilarious! He heads back into his van and doesn't pull away. He emerges a couple of moments later carrying another box. This one reads NEWEGG on it. WAIT That's MINE! Sure as shit he heads towards my place. I run to the door and wait. He drops off the package as we greet each other. I shut the door and make a b line for my room.
I open the box and pull out another box, which holds another box. GAH!! Thankfully the last box held it. My laptop. MY LAPTOP! I do a little happy dance and begin to feverishly open the box, being very careful, looking at everything. Basking in the moment.
Fast forward 3 hours. I am sitting at my desk finishing up the bloat ware removal and finishing getting Vanguard installed. I start the game just to test it out. Oh so pretty. I stop playing and begin working on my homework. As I transfer files over from my desktop. (Still doing that now.)
So here I sit on my bed with a kitty out cold on one side and the other crushing my feet. I feel like shit, I am tired as hell, and I just want to go to bed. BUT WAIT! There's more. I gotta hit my new vapo. Gods I love that thing. I have a question for those that can and are willing to answer it.
What temperature do set for pot? My machine allows for over 500 degrees. I don't think that is needed. But I searched online. Yeah I googled that shit and I found around 400 degrees is what is recommended. Any suggestions for that or is around 400 perfect?
Well enough of my rambling on about my day. I hope that you enjoyed the read.
p.s. Still looking for someone to offer up their cuddling services for these cold MN nights.