Blog Post Earth Date 21/06/2010
On the eve of being alive for 2.5 decades and in week 7 of waiting to hear back from grad schools I am placid. Having a good conversation about letting things happen the way they should happen helped me keep things in perspective. Also climbing outsides and being so beaten up and sore after really helps you sleep through a lot of the worrying stage. I got into one school already just waiting to hear back from Sydney to submit my app for a scholarship to ECU.
Will write more later.
On the eve of being alive for 2.5 decades and in week 7 of waiting to hear back from grad schools I am placid. Having a good conversation about letting things happen the way they should happen helped me keep things in perspective. Also climbing outsides and being so beaten up and sore after really helps you sleep through a lot of the worrying stage. I got into one school already just waiting to hear back from Sydney to submit my app for a scholarship to ECU.
Will write more later.