I've been going through an interview process for a secretary position. They stated that they like me and felt that I did well in the interview. They want me to come in and spend some time at the office so that I can learn what to expect if I were to be hired. I was also told in the same email that my hair color...
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I recently took the app off of my phone. I realized every time I used it I was just getting annoyed with all the click bate and basic bullshit that people post. Then I just deactivated my account altogether. There are very few people that I only communicate with through Facebook but I figure that if they really want to talk, they will call/text or...
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I'm in the running to be a finalist at this year's Viva Las Vegas pin up contest and would love your vote! No registration, just an email and click!
:)) O
Hey guys! I'm in a pin up contest for Dirtyrottenrides.com and am at the bottom of the voting! :( I would love if you would register on the site and vote for me! It only takes a few minutes and would mean so much! Help me become a dirty girl!
Hey guys! I made it as a finalist in a pin up contest for Dirty Rotten Rides. I would love if you went on to the website and voted! I would love it even more if your vote was for me! Check out the beautiful girls!
<3 Odetta
Looking for a female photographer in the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara area. Any takers? :)
I'll be there!