^ angry/dumb face
I hate the IRS. I won't get into it right now but I pretty much wish I lived in another country right now. I keep feeling like just running away and living in obscurity somewhere and joining a commune or making one. Ah, that sounds too difficult. Obscurity, writing novels and poems, growing my own things and making things to use. Sounding better and better now that I'm writing it out. Only problem is, where is there free land anymore? Too far away from resources and at least some sort of sense of security.
Did you know theres a gigantic underground lake beneath Death Valley? Its entrance is called "Devils Hole", due to how dangerous it is for cave divers to survive there. The lake actually extends past the area of Death Valley and into the Las Vegas area. They house one of the rarest fish in the world, the Pupfish. They are blue and only exist with each other, in a group of about 100. They are in danger of extension due to the growing population of Las Vegas and their need for closer water sources. It's really hard to find land that is people friendly and yet unpopulated by humans. Im sure I'd be surprised to find out how much there actually is (probably a lot more).
Anyways. I'm getting into this program called "Deadly Secrets of Cromwell Street", about Fred and Rosemary West. It's pretty fucked up. So I am losing track of this blog. woops
Well thats all.

I want to learn more about this fish.
yes, living off the land sounds good for awhile. then i remember how extraordinarily lazy i am. also, how much i like indian food. perhaps living off the land in india?