I haven't written anything in a while, anywhere. I think I'll bring my moleskin on the train tomorrow, in hopes I don't have to stand. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads these things. Its like a semi private diary devoid of serious insight due to unnatural apprehension to do so without indecisiveness.
What have I been up do you ask? I may be interning at the next San Francisco Literary Death Match! I'm excited, I hope it works out. I am also playing a show August 1st at this place called The Golden Trapperkeeper Lodge. It's a Noise Waffles production (i.e., they make waffles while people play noise music or performance type stuff over weird music). It's early and I have a hard time relating to the A.M.
On a down note, San Francisco State closed it's doors until next Fall due to the economic b.s. of CA. I probably should have sent in that $61 for the State Taxes. I'll get around to it sometimes. I might just join City College, or go for broke and try to get into Berkeley. I'd rather not be an outsider once again. I can't take the rhetorical nature of the education institutions where there just is too much of one kind of people. Plus, those trust fund assholes that sit along Telegraph begging for Dollars or holding signs with drawn on pot leaf symbols.
On an upside, I did get a tattoo. I chose two illustrations by my favorite poet, Vachel Lindsay. I only have the cash for one now so it's not to it's pinnacle of achievement. Soon ....?
I'll post some pictures at some point. My camera fucked up because I threw away some folder that was on my camera and ended up being something more important than I made it out to be.
Back to South Park at 3:30 a.m. and Purple Princess.

What have I been up do you ask? I may be interning at the next San Francisco Literary Death Match! I'm excited, I hope it works out. I am also playing a show August 1st at this place called The Golden Trapperkeeper Lodge. It's a Noise Waffles production (i.e., they make waffles while people play noise music or performance type stuff over weird music). It's early and I have a hard time relating to the A.M.
On a down note, San Francisco State closed it's doors until next Fall due to the economic b.s. of CA. I probably should have sent in that $61 for the State Taxes. I'll get around to it sometimes. I might just join City College, or go for broke and try to get into Berkeley. I'd rather not be an outsider once again. I can't take the rhetorical nature of the education institutions where there just is too much of one kind of people. Plus, those trust fund assholes that sit along Telegraph begging for Dollars or holding signs with drawn on pot leaf symbols.

On an upside, I did get a tattoo. I chose two illustrations by my favorite poet, Vachel Lindsay. I only have the cash for one now so it's not to it's pinnacle of achievement. Soon ....?
I'll post some pictures at some point. My camera fucked up because I threw away some folder that was on my camera and ended up being something more important than I made it out to be.
Back to South Park at 3:30 a.m. and Purple Princess.

Things sound good on your end, I'm happy for you.
happy birthday