Another WOOHOO!!! & geek post
The flu is gone, gooooone awaaay
As I type, a big bowl o' Pho' is getting slurped and chop-sticked down the pie-hole What the fuck is a pie-hole? It's that hole you put pie into silly! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The ghetto mini-milling table is finally done, thanks to my new best friends HDPE (that same plastic stuff milk gallon jugs and cutting boards are made out of) and Delrin sheets What's that you say? A 400 degree self-lubricating thermoforming polymer?!?
Jimmeny Frikkin Christmas the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Edit: I just realized Robert Schimmel was the taxi driver in the beginning of Scary Movie 2.
and the "HOOHAA two times Tuesday" guy is in the new A1 Steak Sauce commercial.
Oh, and that hottie in the Jack Links Beef Jerky commercial (yes, that same hottie that rented Hiro the car in Heroes) is in the new Honda commercial..
Having the TV on while I work is warping my fragile little mind
The flu is gone, gooooone awaaay

As I type, a big bowl o' Pho' is getting slurped and chop-sticked down the pie-hole What the fuck is a pie-hole? It's that hole you put pie into silly! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The ghetto mini-milling table is finally done, thanks to my new best friends HDPE (that same plastic stuff milk gallon jugs and cutting boards are made out of) and Delrin sheets What's that you say? A 400 degree self-lubricating thermoforming polymer?!?

Jimmeny Frikkin Christmas the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Edit: I just realized Robert Schimmel was the taxi driver in the beginning of Scary Movie 2.
and the "HOOHAA two times Tuesday" guy is in the new A1 Steak Sauce commercial.
Oh, and that hottie in the Jack Links Beef Jerky commercial (yes, that same hottie that rented Hiro the car in Heroes) is in the new Honda commercial..
Having the TV on while I work is warping my fragile little mind

dude, I still wish we had the 203 site. that one was nice, and easy to use