a bit of a sad note, a kid at my high school was murdered the other day. only 15, a sophmore. not right. just not right. didnt know the kid, but still alot of my sports freinds did. the scary thing is it happend two blocks away from the school as well as its not the first time something like thats happened near us. oh well. life goes on, just its going to be hard for most of us. for me, nothing new. still persuing art technique, one friend wants me to draw her, another wants me to get some stuff prepped for a art show that i should contend in. maureen is sitll sexy as hell and am looking forward to seeing her this weekend. oh, any here about the family guy movie? its a rumor, but sounds promiseing.
bleh, its such a long week. thats it. later.

thanks for all the sweet stuff you told me, thats relaly rad of you!!! right on with all yr art happenings!