Shockingly, I'm now single again. Fuck me, I'm beginning to think only the most fucked up women find me attractive.
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Tuesday May 24, 2011
So yesterday was the second anniversary of my father's death. Hasn't … -
Friday May 20, 2011
For some ungodly reason I'm awake, and have been, well before my norm… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
Don't like going a little mad. I either want full-on madness or sanit… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
I really need a secretary. Preferably a hot one. -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
Been very much out of the loop. Plenty of excuses, only a few good re… -
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
I swear, the weather gods are taking the piss. Sleet then snow Wednes… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2011
Enough morose shit right now. I'm alive, seeing a therapist, have a c… -
Friday Dec 31, 2010
Surprised these guys did a remix of "Starla" by Smashing Pumpkins. On… -
Tuesday Dec 21, 2010
Yeah, I'm still alive. That's Right BITCHES! -
Sunday Dec 12, 2010
Quite possibly the most amazing thing I've seen this year. The direct…
Conversely a woman who's only mildly nuts, lets say she can't by seafood from the grocery store because the fish look sad. she doesn't need to be with a guy who's waiting on a check from a Nigerian prince.
But in the rare occaisions where stupid equals crazy. You get a guy who buys an extended warranty on everything he gets at best buy and pair him up with a chick who believes that George Bush and the entire Bush family are lizard people. Then may their first child be a masculine child.
At the same time as a general rule one should look for those approximately as fucked up as you are. Now that doesn't mean fucked up in the exact same way, but simply to a similar degree.
And it does well to remember that all guys are dumb, even the ones playing at being evil. You could win the Nobel Prize in Literature and get named People's Sexiest Man of the Year and still make a bag of hammered dog shit look intelligent. Guys are just dumb, which is why girls make no sense to them. They're not smart enough to get it.
What we have in my case is a good (I think) but obviously dumb guy dating a girl playing at being good, but obviously so evil it's driven her around the bend and dropped her off where the buses don't run. Took me a bit to realize the full extent of said crazy. And let's not forget the not-an-ex-boyfriend constantly texting me, insulting me, lying to me poorly, reading her texts, threatening to show up at my house or the store (which would have ended with him being shot either way; the only difference being what caliber used but hollow points all the same), calling her demented and a slut. Actually a diseased slut come to think of it. I'm still thinking of calling the IRS on him just for shits and giggles.
Still, all too much drama, which gives me a headache, and bores me, and makes me sleepy. I'm not all that broken up about it either. I actually feel a sense of relief. I suppose that's a sign I did the right thing.