Apparently I've made it on a what's in list due to the fact that I have cats. Don't know why a guy with cats is an in thing. I just like cats. Except for the one that adopted the house as its home. I can do without the smelly, clumsy space cadet that she is. I'd much prefer a dog.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 24, 2011
So yesterday was the second anniversary of my father's death. Hasn't … -
Friday May 20, 2011
For some ungodly reason I'm awake, and have been, well before my norm… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2011
Don't like going a little mad. I either want full-on madness or sanit… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
I really need a secretary. Preferably a hot one. -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
Been very much out of the loop. Plenty of excuses, only a few good re… -
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
I swear, the weather gods are taking the piss. Sleet then snow Wednes… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2011
Enough morose shit right now. I'm alive, seeing a therapist, have a c… -
Friday Dec 31, 2010
Surprised these guys did a remix of "Starla" by Smashing Pumpkins. On… -
Tuesday Dec 21, 2010
Yeah, I'm still alive. That's Right BITCHES! -
Sunday Dec 12, 2010
Quite possibly the most amazing thing I've seen this year. The direct…