So now Christmas is over it's time I kick myself up the arse and start making sure 2017 is a better year for me!
I need to get back in shape. I've put on weight and am now at the most I've ever weighed and it makes me uncomfortable. Need to sort that out. I keep waking up super early but instead of having a joint to get me back to sleep tomorrow i'm gonna go for a run. Probably. Hopefully.
I need to book more shoots. I've got so many ideas I need to throw them about and see what I can come up with!
I have to sit down and think about where I want to go with my business. Im gonna need some backup for this. Some ladies I can bounce ideas off. Might need to steal some SG girlies for a night..
I need to stop wallowing about being single. Yeah it's unsual because i'm a relationship person I tend to jump from one to another so it's new for me to be single this long. But fuck it. I need to really focus on me and that's gonna take a lot of time and effort but it's what's important right now.
I could really do with some good news about now tbh