So after digging through my old photos to get some photos of the various colours of my hair for the Fantasy Hair Colour thread I got all reminiscent and decided to do a full blog post on how many times I have changed my hair.
(This gon' be loooong)
SO. I went back through the old book of faces and saved a picture every time my hair changed colour.
So here goes, I guess we'll go backwards??
Currently! A mix of Schwarzkopffhtggue Live Colour on the roots and Directions Tangerine on the ends
Septemberish Black on the roots and dark grey on the ends, with extensions.
July, tried to put a dark grey on top of the pastel and it came out this strange navy colour. was super weird. Still adamant I inadvertently invented a new colour.
July, couldn't even tell you what was on here.
June, steel grey from superdrug on the majority, crazy colour pink on the tips.
Still July (@sophoulla and I changed our hair WAY too much this summer), this was a mix of manic panic pink and silver to make a pastel pink
June, put my dreads back in. Mixture of synthetic dreads I had previously had made for me in various greys and some brown, black and pink wool dreads I made myself. Dyed my hair brown before I put these in.
In March I decided to use the leftover of all dyes I had laying around to come up with this. Blues pinks and purples. It actually looked rad.
April (I realise this is after but meh) Was a similar thing but I was more methodical with blue and purple. You'll spot this hair in my upcoming set!! With my babes @vaughn @sophoulla and @disco
Beginning of March it was just blue!
In Feb I decided to be a dark rainbow (and @disco borrowed my dreads for the Anti Valentine Ballroom Blitz in Camden)
January, after taking my dreads out (my hair was black with the dreads) I had it all chopped off!
This is what happens when you take out synthetic dreads, if you were curious. Also, you can see how much I had chopped off.
January. My dreads were rad and I miss them.
Okay so that's this year so I'm gonna cut this post here and continue on a new post because this is getting ridiculous.
Do you see why I'm in disbelief that I still have a head of hair?! THIS IS JUST THIS YEAR.
Hoo boy you guy's haven't seen anything yet.
To be continued....