I will be working for an amazing business in north London! It's the most fantastic job and I'm so so excited about it. So now I will be looking for a place to live with two friends in east London!!
I have two main concerns at the moment.
1) what am I going to do with Skyler whilst I'm commuting to work?
2) how am I going to get enough money to pay for a deposit and such whilst commuting and paying everything off down here so I can start new?
Ideally I would like to get a loan. Then I would have the means to completely start over and only have to worry about one payment making it easier for me to finance living in London and reducing the worries meaning I can properly start again. But I don't have any credit or a guarantor so I don't know how to get financial help.
I'm going to see the job centre tomorrow and see if there's any grants or loans I could qualify for maybe they can help.
It's all just within my grasp there's just a few details to iron out and then I am living the actual dream living and working in London, with my pup, being able to see my friends, being able to shoot more!! And most importantly HAPPY.