Well it's been a while since I've done a proper blog post.
I've made the executive decision to move up to London. I will hopefully be sharing a house with a couple other girlies so that I can take the pup. It was a hard decision and I thought in may have to give up Skyler, that's still a possibility but it's looking slimmer so I'm feeling positive. I know that its the right decision for me. I adore London and the jobs up there are exactly what I need. For too long I've just been merely existing and I'm bored of it. I want to enjoy my life, I want a job that means something to me and a social life and a gym membership. I'm pretty sure London won't let me down. So for the time being I am spending every day applying for job after job there.
This Friday I got to see my wifey @disco and hang with @sophoulla @deringinge @giaaddams who came and met me from the station. I really needed some girlie hangs and these babes definitely delivered. I really am blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
Saturday morning I made my way back from London to a surprise party for my nans 80th birthday and my family from Wales came down to surprise her and her oldest friend made an appearance too (they've been friends for 50+ years!!!) We had a very sophisticated tea party with homemade lemonade and tiny cakes.
This morning I got dumped so it's not been a fantastic day. But I'm hopefully seeing @sophoulla again soon and I'm hoping she'll squeeze me better.
Hope you're all well!