II've been a bit quiet recently cuz I've been really up and down with this new medication but I've been on them for a week now and I'm starting to level out and feel normal again. I'm still having a few side effects but not as bad as to begin with.
Things are a bit strange for me at the moment as I'm starting to clean this house in preparation for moving out and I need to start boxing up my things. Jake is out the house on holiday. Every year we used to go to Spain with his family and this year I'm not there. That feels weird. I think it feels weird for him too because he texted me last night saying he missed me. :/
I'm excited to go see my new place on Thursday and cleaning this house is really refreshing for me and good for my head. I had a really good day yesterday, ill do a separate post for that because I've got loads of pics to upload.
So, yeah! Just thought I'd let you all know how I'm doing!