Monday Feb 23, 2009 Feb 23, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email Dear Blog, It was a pretty boring day. Love, OctopusSkeleton stardust_: heey scoobysnack howryou? I can't wait to leave this site. and btw: octopusskeleton? que? Mar 10, 2009 stardust_: Hey, plenty of people still enjoy it, maybe its just me! I like your username because its yours. So there. Im afraid that shirtwise Ive gone up to an XL more or less. Que? (I like saying que a lot) I still need to send you your semi-birthday gift. I suck. Ooh Barcelona! Fun or schoolfun? I'll see what I can dig up Mar 18, 2009
howryou? I can't wait to leave this site.
and btw: octopusskeleton? que?
Im afraid that shirtwise Ive gone up to an XL more or less. Que? (I like saying que a lot) I still need to send you your semi-birthday gift. I suck.
Ooh Barcelona! Fun or schoolfun? I'll see what I can dig up