Kickass cocoa
3 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbs sugar
3 tbs water
*dash vanilla extract
*dash cayenne
8 oz unsweetened soymilk (or milk)
Combine all ingredients except milk until smooth. Heat milk to desired temperature. Do not boil. Pour warm milk into chocolate mixture. Stir. Enjoy.
*This is the way I had it tonight. You can also give it a little gick with ginger, cinnamon, whatever you like. I like cayenne and cinnamon together.
High in antioxidants, and much yummier than Midol.
3 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbs sugar
3 tbs water
*dash vanilla extract
*dash cayenne
8 oz unsweetened soymilk (or milk)
Combine all ingredients except milk until smooth. Heat milk to desired temperature. Do not boil. Pour warm milk into chocolate mixture. Stir. Enjoy.
*This is the way I had it tonight. You can also give it a little gick with ginger, cinnamon, whatever you like. I like cayenne and cinnamon together.
High in antioxidants, and much yummier than Midol.
Haha, no. We're gonna have something a little more parent-friendly for our engagement photos. 

There's something yummier than Midol? Who knew?