After having basically the same haircut since 8th grade, I am now a Bumble and Bumble University hair model. This means they'll cut my hair for free every 2 months and I can get it styled however often I like. My first cut is on the 30th. I win! Prepare for changes.
The woman evaluating me loved my hair. She was totally amazed at the highlights when I told her they were natural. She says I should come in and get my hair styled all the time since my hair is so great to work with. I never anticipated that my head would be such a learning experience.
And of course, since I was on 14th St anyway and walking right past it, I just had to stop in to the Doughnut Pub. I didn't have to buy two, though I did anyway.
I really would like to post the images, but until I find the usb cable or find a way to dump the images from the camera, we must wait just a little bit longer for the images to be emmancipated. Soon, I promise.