It's come as a realisation, not so much a surprise, that I in general, really don't like people.
This is not to say that I hate everyone and wish everyone would die, but that that I personally am a bit more discerning when it comes to who I let in to my life and who I choose to be friends with.
Some might think this makes me an arrogant asshole or whatever, but it's really not even like that.
99% of the time when I see people complaining, it's usually about someone, or something that someone has or hasn't done.
Why? Because most (not all) people are unreliable selfish cunts and so I opt to simply not deal with these kinds of people and only let the right ones in.
This whole blog makes me sound ranty and unhappy and selfish, but the reality is quite the opposite. Trust me.
This is not to say that I hate everyone and wish everyone would die, but that that I personally am a bit more discerning when it comes to who I let in to my life and who I choose to be friends with.
Some might think this makes me an arrogant asshole or whatever, but it's really not even like that.
99% of the time when I see people complaining, it's usually about someone, or something that someone has or hasn't done.
Why? Because most (not all) people are unreliable selfish cunts and so I opt to simply not deal with these kinds of people and only let the right ones in.
This whole blog makes me sound ranty and unhappy and selfish, but the reality is quite the opposite. Trust me.
And yea, I'm liking this whole video thing!