People are such odd creatures. I strated work last night. I still don't know why I keep getting jobs where I have to talk to people. I'm very antisocial, but they require the least amount of work on my part and I'm also kinda lazy (well about some things, and finding shit jobs is one of them). I guess this is pretty interesting cause I'm only interactig with a voice and I can be drawing and they nevr knwo the difference. I'm jsut kinda frightened to know the minds of more people in the wonderful country. I talked to a woman last night who refused to give me persoanl information like her zip code without me telling her my race. Then I talked to senile old people who disregarded the fact that I was asking them questions and jsut wanted to talk to me cause they were lonely. It makes me sad that so many people are so lonely that they are happy to talk to a telemarketer. I guess that's what happens when we compartmentalize ourselves off so much. Our communities are built on advertising and markets and shopping, and our neighbors are strangers that we know by what kind of car is parked in the drive way. Or maybe by the yelling of a domestic dispute, as the case may be. *sigh*
More Blogs
Friday Jan 30, 2004
OOO! OO! An update! School is going again. I managed to live throug… -
Sunday Jan 04, 2004
Boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom. I don't like being in the midwes… -
Friday Dec 19, 2003
I kind of wish I were a better writer. Then I could right short stor… -
Tuesday Dec 16, 2003
I'm in denial about going back to IL at the end of this week. As if … -
Monday Dec 15, 2003
I finshed my final at 9 and left the library to see the sun. It was … -
Monday Dec 15, 2003
I'm in the library and my feet smell bad, but I don't want to put my … -
Saturday Dec 13, 2003
I'm in the library. I"d really rather not be here now, but I have to… -
Saturday Dec 13, 2003
Drawing on skin is the greatest thing ever. I wish I had more artist… -
Friday Dec 12, 2003
I am really tired right now. And I am at work, and I will be here un… -
Thursday Dec 11, 2003
I should be writing a paper, but I just can't get into it. I hate th…
Furthermore....I just realized I've lived in this damn apartment for almost a year and know NONE of my neighbors... Why do we do this shit to ourselves?
Very good questions indeed.
I've lived in my apartment almost 6 months and my neighbors are asshole college boys who watch me...I'd rather not know.