I got so angry at my boyfriend today. He was supposed to play at a show for our music collective, but had to work til ten. It kinda sucks that he didn't practice at all for this show, but whatever. So, I get to his job to bring his to the cafe at 10 15, like he asked, and he doesn't come out. I waited for another 20 minutes and leave thinking that someone else may have picked him up without telling me. But no, he just didn't pay attention to the time and left me there. Then he was late for the show and they didn't have the computers working cause he didn't bother to practice at all. What really makes it frustrating though is that we had a conversationa while ago where he was exressing doubts about our group's ability to pull these shows off. Then, everyone else does what they have to do, but him. OK, ok, that's a little harsh, Ig ot a bit lazy flyering and we were late last week, but still. It's not ok to just not care about something that your friends are putting work into and would really liek to see succeed after committing to being a part of it.
I shouldn't bitch so much. It is a fairly small thing. He just forgot that I was there or didn't bother to pay attnetiopnto teh time or something, but I feel kinda hurt too that he just shafted our collective. It's nice that he's working and all, but that's no excuse to become an asshole to your friends.
Oh well, this weekenf is the Luter's Solstice party. I'll get to spend the weekend in the woods with good people and good music. I have a feelign I'll get over it.
I shouldn't bitch so much. It is a fairly small thing. He just forgot that I was there or didn't bother to pay attnetiopnto teh time or something, but I feel kinda hurt too that he just shafted our collective. It's nice that he's working and all, but that's no excuse to become an asshole to your friends.
Oh well, this weekenf is the Luter's Solstice party. I'll get to spend the weekend in the woods with good people and good music. I have a feelign I'll get over it.

grr...silly boys...