So, I went to get my newest piercings checked out yesterday. They're doing better than they were when my ear was five times the size it should be, but i still have really big rings where there should be two small barbells, so they get hit a lot. (this is my babcock or snug, I've heard both names) I was told by the rockin piercer guy that I should soke in a bathtub full of sea salt water for ten minutes every day. I just finished that and have come up with a list of benefits and downsides to this latest development in the healing of my carteledge.
Sea salt dries out my hair even quicker than the surpluss of dye jobs that it normally has to deal with.
I notice how dirty our bathroom is. The spots on teh cieling and the rust on the thowel rack (why the hell do we have a towel rack inside our shower anyway?) bother me more than I like to admit. I need to compulsively start cleaning in there again.
I have to get up a bit earlier to take care of this beforeI have to go anywhere. I know myslef well enough to know that I will not do it before I go to bed.
I get an excuse every day to sit and soak in nice warm water.
I can clean my industrial and babcock at the same time. This good since my industrial has been being neglected.
I will take a shower every day. I got really depressed last year, and my cleaning habits suffered. I have not had enough motivation to change this until right now.
The sound of water dripping into the full tub from our leaky faucet is very relaxing while my ears are under water.
The stylin' 1950s turquoise tile in the bathroom looks a lot more interesting with steam and water dripping all over it.
The sea salt has inspired me to put lotion on my tummy, now it is oh so soft
Now I have to go get an oil change so that my car doesn't die while I'm on my way to California. I'm leaving tomorrow
And my biggest decision at the moment is if I'm going to spend the day painting or reading. These tough choices that I am faced with. I wish my whole life could be like this, but no, in a week and half I will start working, and will spend my day trying to get people to give me money. sigh.
Yay! I've heard both of my housemates listening to Aphex in teh last two days! I've influenced them well.
Sea salt dries out my hair even quicker than the surpluss of dye jobs that it normally has to deal with.
I notice how dirty our bathroom is. The spots on teh cieling and the rust on the thowel rack (why the hell do we have a towel rack inside our shower anyway?) bother me more than I like to admit. I need to compulsively start cleaning in there again.
I have to get up a bit earlier to take care of this beforeI have to go anywhere. I know myslef well enough to know that I will not do it before I go to bed.
I get an excuse every day to sit and soak in nice warm water.
I can clean my industrial and babcock at the same time. This good since my industrial has been being neglected.
I will take a shower every day. I got really depressed last year, and my cleaning habits suffered. I have not had enough motivation to change this until right now.
The sound of water dripping into the full tub from our leaky faucet is very relaxing while my ears are under water.
The stylin' 1950s turquoise tile in the bathroom looks a lot more interesting with steam and water dripping all over it.
The sea salt has inspired me to put lotion on my tummy, now it is oh so soft

Now I have to go get an oil change so that my car doesn't die while I'm on my way to California. I'm leaving tomorrow

Yay! I've heard both of my housemates listening to Aphex in teh last two days! I've influenced them well.