So, I finished my flyers today, and they were a pain in the ass to print. I didn't get them all cut until about 8 or 8 30 at which point the people who were going to take them to the Prefuse show tonight had already left. They didn't really know that they had to take them since I was plannign on going, but then my friends changed thier minds due to lack of sleep last night, so we are not. We were going to be really hardcore and go to two shows tonight, but it did not work out. We're getting old...
I went to a pretty cool party last night. I got to spin a little bit. I'm not very good, but some of the other people were there and played some really strage stuff, like a vocoder mix of Notorius Big. Very strange. The shows we put on should be pretty cool. Lots of strange and interesting music. Most of it good too.
I don't know how well this whole collective thing is going to work out though. This first night is taken care of. We have all the djs and flyers and sound and stuff, but in like a month the guy who put it together is going to be leaving, and when that happens we might lose free usage of space and a sound system, which would really destroy our whole thing of putting on shows for next to no money. sigh. I would definately want to keep them going for the rest of the summer if we can. Although, at this point I'm just kind of waiting for things to go wrong. I probably shouldnt be so pessimistic, cause I think the show could be really rad. I worry too much.
I must be crazy to go to a party in the mountains while it's all rainy out tonight, but well, I'm a sucker for good music. Time to figure out what to wear so I don't freeze....
I went to a pretty cool party last night. I got to spin a little bit. I'm not very good, but some of the other people were there and played some really strage stuff, like a vocoder mix of Notorius Big. Very strange. The shows we put on should be pretty cool. Lots of strange and interesting music. Most of it good too.

I don't know how well this whole collective thing is going to work out though. This first night is taken care of. We have all the djs and flyers and sound and stuff, but in like a month the guy who put it together is going to be leaving, and when that happens we might lose free usage of space and a sound system, which would really destroy our whole thing of putting on shows for next to no money. sigh. I would definately want to keep them going for the rest of the summer if we can. Although, at this point I'm just kind of waiting for things to go wrong. I probably shouldnt be so pessimistic, cause I think the show could be really rad. I worry too much.
I must be crazy to go to a party in the mountains while it's all rainy out tonight, but well, I'm a sucker for good music. Time to figure out what to wear so I don't freeze....
hope your music thing goes well, i'm trying to get one of my own started.. but, i don't know enough people that i would trust being in a band of mine.