I"ve been drinking. WIne is tastey, yes it is. And I talked to one of my old friends form IL. She's talking about coming out here to visit me this summer. That would be cool. I think. She;s become a sorority girl, and well, I ahven't. I'd be kinda worried we'd ru nout of things to say to each other like we kind of have ,but I thnk it would be ok. She's a relly cool girl and we've been friends for a while. Sure we don't ahve as many things in common as we used to, but she's stilla good friend of mine. I broke a wine glass today. on the front porch. It wasn't so cool, but hey, i wa drunk. still am in fact. I"m going to see what I can do about getting this cute boy to go to bed with me. I mean, someone has to, the school year has just been too long....
thankee, i like your shoes
that could be possible, i'm about 3 hours north of illinois though. in middle of nowhere? yes.

What do I expect? Listen here, wino, I expect immediate gratification any time I'm moderately uncomfortable! Is that really too much to ask?