The open road calls.

So. . .let's gather the cigarettes and meth.

Let's have ourselves an adventure.

Maybe, it will end just as Vanishing Point did.

With a big bang.

If you can find it, download some Zumi-kai.

Just do it. . .

Sorry for the lame slogan-copying.
Is anybody out there?

So homework till 6 is actually calming. . .

I still can't believe how I pull it off.

But seriously. . if you actually look at this. . leave me something to know that you're here.

I miss Mn.
uh, BOO???
I don't do well with conclusions.

I need to go lay down.
It's kind of sad when you can tell how old a frozen dinner is by how watery the sauce is when you make it.

. . .Yeah.
I miss Mn. . .
And just to think, this could have all been mine. . .

Where a long the lines did I deserve being striken down from happiness?

The spider and the fly do their little dance across the stage.

But, the fly never realizes that the stage is made of webs.

. . .Fuck you, dear, you'll never be sorry for me. . .
Let's go throw CHAF grenades into a hospital ward!

Good fun. -.-