I just got through with orientation at University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Most Awkward Orientation and Faculty Advisement/Registration I've ever been to, but that might be a good thing because everything was straight and to the point.
Going to be interesting to see how this fall semester goes..
I get to take some "intro" mandatory course for biological sciences majors, General Chem I, and a Psychology course.
The General chemistry has me somewhat scared, I've never taken chemistry in my life, but I'm required to take General Chem I and II, and Organic Chem I and II for my major as well as the biology stuff. This is going to be interesting for a major because my emphasis is going to put me able to teach it at a Secondary Education Level.
But I'm all registered up and now comes the big "deal" of financing it! woo!
I'll have to see how all that goes.
So what all is going on with all my friends in SGLand? How are your lives going and such?
Most Awkward Orientation and Faculty Advisement/Registration I've ever been to, but that might be a good thing because everything was straight and to the point.
Going to be interesting to see how this fall semester goes..
I get to take some "intro" mandatory course for biological sciences majors, General Chem I, and a Psychology course.
The General chemistry has me somewhat scared, I've never taken chemistry in my life, but I'm required to take General Chem I and II, and Organic Chem I and II for my major as well as the biology stuff. This is going to be interesting for a major because my emphasis is going to put me able to teach it at a Secondary Education Level.
But I'm all registered up and now comes the big "deal" of financing it! woo!
I'll have to see how all that goes.
So what all is going on with all my friends in SGLand? How are your lives going and such?
yeah thats the plan!! hopefully he can do it!

I dunno about being great in general but thanks.