everything is looking so bright and positive all the sudden, it's almost scary...
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 09, 2009
next weekend I'm going back home to clean out my old bedroom so that … -
Saturday Aug 29, 2009
Crisis adverted the billing lady is going to take the pager and I get… -
Friday Aug 28, 2009
hating my job today. It's standard practice at my work to not … -
Friday Aug 07, 2009
Off to the wonderful word of Michigan for fun and frolicking... Any e… -
Sunday Jul 19, 2009
I need to get the hell out of Dodge. Planning a trip to Pittsburgh … -
Thursday Jul 09, 2009
Tomorrow it's off to the great state of Kentucky for lebowski fest... -
Saturday Jun 13, 2009
I just biked 20 miles from Downtown Xenia to my apartment in Downtown… -
Friday Apr 24, 2009
time flies when you work yourself like a 2 bit hoe... life is good… -
Monday Mar 09, 2009
so I think I might be moving back out west. I'm not cut out for th… -
Friday Feb 20, 2009
so I'm living in a hotel, my fire alarm starts beeping ever 20 second…
"INTO: the outdoors, thrift stores, traveling, collector of many things (Jesus art, records, any random thrift store cat)"
yaaaay me too. Actually, everything in your "into" is what I am "into" 100%. Yes. All of it!
(also I love the list of bands you have)
I'm requesting your friendship. I'm going to start getting really into posting things to mail to people and you'd probably be interested since almost everything will be thirft store, well everything other than the art.