everything is looking so bright and positive all the sudden, it's almost scary...
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 20, 2011
I'm going grey...In my hair and my account... Adios Amigos! … -
Sunday Aug 21, 2011
I'm all twitterpated! -
Saturday Apr 16, 2011
I'm kind of blah about Maryland. I really need to get out and meet … -
Thursday Mar 03, 2011
I'm moving up in the world, I've rented a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment … -
Friday Feb 25, 2011
I'm moving to Maryland! -
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
Who'd have thought, unemployment makes me use the internet more… -
Monday Jan 31, 2011
flashback! Late 90s... Coil..tainted Love Juliee Cruise...Ro… -
Sunday Jan 30, 2011
good sunday music In other News I'm trying to be productive an… -
Thursday Jan 20, 2011
back to Chicago for another interview! First ordeal of the day get… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2011
2011 is looking up! I graduated on December 23rd, interviewed in SC.…
"INTO: the outdoors, thrift stores, traveling, collector of many things (Jesus art, records, any random thrift store cat)"
yaaaay me too. Actually, everything in your "into" is what I am "into" 100%. Yes. All of it!
(also I love the list of bands you have)
I'm requesting your friendship. I'm going to start getting really into posting things to mail to people and you'd probably be interested since almost everything will be thirft store, well everything other than the art.