Less than a month till my move back to California. I'm so excited, yet a little sad as I've been having a lot of fun in Minnesota. I played my first ever game of softball and managed to score 2 points (it was a shocker to everyone including me) I've also started my Prosthetic Tech clinical, it's nice cause I'm working under a practitioner who lets me watch as he works with patients (I'm going to be starting a practitioner at the end of July) so it's nice and it assures me that this is what I want to go into. For once I'm excited about my future and what it holds for me...
Second: we may be able to work it out, depending on what you need. I could possibly temporarily store some stuff in the Valley at a friend's if need be.
I'll be taking and posting pix starting tomorrow sometime, so check back and lemme know if anything catches your fancy.