Wow everyone it has been quite a while now since my last post...end of May I believe it read. lol. Well, I've been super busy and with classes in my actual photography classes now and holding my "A" average (my personal goal) while raising kids, and doing other womanly duties...I'm freaking busy man! lol. I also just got my reassurance the other day that I do still have my wedding gig set for November 11th I think it was (I have it wrote down for exact date lol) too so now I have all that planning and orchestrating to get in line for my presentation next month to the bride handling it as well. Soooo fun fun fun indeed life has been lately. Now I am also trying to plan out my next fat stipend check too that will either go towards a few different major investments in regards to expanding my photography business & excelling in school assignments as well too.
I am also transferring to the actual home-based Art Institute near me in Colorado this coming Spring Term too. It is actually located in the Denver, Co. area. SO since my car sucks and my husband will need to use it for his advancement up in the Company as a manager now I either need to rent a car twice a week for the block classes there or invest in another decent rig to get me to school and where ever I need as well. The thing is I can either invest into a larger format Canon Photo Printer (not yet can I afford the Canvas size one though but damn am I in love with that one after reviewing it btw), studio lighting and such, backdrops, more lenses, and honestly the list could go on. OR since I am in my 1st year almost complete with it in November actually...I could hold off on that big purchase stuff since business isn't much now anyway being so new. Instead I can help us with a deposit to get into a new place closer to Denver to my school but not too far from his areas of management of cafes either. OR I could also purchase a nicer, smaller, and cheaper on gas car too with it and stay where I am as much as I hate this city. So yep a lot on my plate to figure out still I suppose. lol.
Anyway, sorry for not being around much but I have been super busy and with that said if any local ladies would like to do a narrative nude set to help me out with my final school assignment...please let me know asap! Thanks.
Photographer: Mandy M. Kaser/DankLilli Photography
I am also transferring to the actual home-based Art Institute near me in Colorado this coming Spring Term too. It is actually located in the Denver, Co. area. SO since my car sucks and my husband will need to use it for his advancement up in the Company as a manager now I either need to rent a car twice a week for the block classes there or invest in another decent rig to get me to school and where ever I need as well. The thing is I can either invest into a larger format Canon Photo Printer (not yet can I afford the Canvas size one though but damn am I in love with that one after reviewing it btw), studio lighting and such, backdrops, more lenses, and honestly the list could go on. OR since I am in my 1st year almost complete with it in November actually...I could hold off on that big purchase stuff since business isn't much now anyway being so new. Instead I can help us with a deposit to get into a new place closer to Denver to my school but not too far from his areas of management of cafes either. OR I could also purchase a nicer, smaller, and cheaper on gas car too with it and stay where I am as much as I hate this city. So yep a lot on my plate to figure out still I suppose. lol.
Anyway, sorry for not being around much but I have been super busy and with that said if any local ladies would like to do a narrative nude set to help me out with my final school assignment...please let me know asap! Thanks.

Photographer: Mandy M. Kaser/DankLilli Photography