Ok so I have to ask this question...I have recently discovered that a felony which was supposed to be dropped to a misdemeanor after serving time and rehabilitation jazz. Actually has been 100% removed from my record...it went like this...I was serving my time getting close to my end of time served. My PO which happened to be the Lead PO of that county, when I was in excitement one day knowing my time was near, said to me you have to pay to get it fully removed from your record or reduced as you want. It won't just get done for you. So at this point with a month before moving to Colorado figured I was screwed and couldn't do it then since I had moving expenses to fund 1st. So I just told myself someday I would return with the funds if I could ever fund it and then take care of it. So since then I have lived in either not knowing if my full felony has been showing up for jobs or if the reduced class "D" misdemeanor is showing up instead...then after a few hints to me in the last year with job applications coming back better than I expect; It hit me....maybe I should look my record up to see exactly what is going on or what it is saying. Meanwhile keep in mind every resume, application, or paperwork I have submitted for jobs I have been honest on so it never came back to bite me in the ass ok...all this time for the last 3 years I have been honest or what I thought was being honest anyway. Now after review and a long strenuous search on my criminal records....all that has been able to even been found was a minor case when I ran form a juvenile detention center...thats it!!! I could not believe my eyes so of course my husband and i were like this can't be right lets look up "my husband and our friend whom also got busted the day this bust all went down...again they all showed up fine but me in every alias name I have had in my life...nothing at all except my minor offense was in the system!!!
How does this just happen??? This my loves is my question...
So yes, now that this has happened to me as well as my past post of the wedding gigs I have booked in the summer as well...I can't help but wonder if 2011 this year is my year to shine as the Independent and creative female that I am!!! I'm stoked everyone, stoked to see what else this year shall prevail or unwrap before my eyes for me. If you all could only imagine how my past life has been you would understand why AI am so happiness stricken at this moment. Thanks SG for helping me to become an even stronger and more successful woman than I was before joining!!! I'll make sure to keep you all update as things progress too btw. Oh, and I have no clue whats been up with that set I performed as I haven't been able to speak with my model/friend since I uploaded her set for her. So sorry I can't update any of you on that for now either though. Other than keep up with my blogs and you never know I might be there near you sometime soon now that I can travel where ever life takes me again!!!
How does this just happen??? This my loves is my question...
So yes, now that this has happened to me as well as my past post of the wedding gigs I have booked in the summer as well...I can't help but wonder if 2011 this year is my year to shine as the Independent and creative female that I am!!! I'm stoked everyone, stoked to see what else this year shall prevail or unwrap before my eyes for me. If you all could only imagine how my past life has been you would understand why AI am so happiness stricken at this moment. Thanks SG for helping me to become an even stronger and more successful woman than I was before joining!!! I'll make sure to keep you all update as things progress too btw. Oh, and I have no clue whats been up with that set I performed as I haven't been able to speak with my model/friend since I uploaded her set for her. So sorry I can't update any of you on that for now either though. Other than keep up with my blogs and you never know I might be there near you sometime soon now that I can travel where ever life takes me again!!!

Well that's all good news.