Secret to making some of the most POTENT medical marijuana edibles!
No matter what recipe it is that you decide to choose for your dish of baked goods just remember that that the longer heated or higher heat setting you have it on...the more your losing your medicinal properties wanted.
So with that said as my 1st tip...follow on and I will teach you yet another trick or two that I feel I should share to help spread the consciousness as well.
2ndly, if you really want to give your goods a special boost of medicinal properties; then by all means drop some of your personal stash of "hashish-oil/honey" into it on top of your regular recipe directions called for. If you want it even more medicated you can continue to add other things as medicated butter in place of regular, medicated tea as your water replacement (high cannabinoid content), maybe you have some spare trichome dust to add in with your powder ingredients, and whatever other medicated ingredients you choose honestly! Just try to make sure if you use replacements that it will actually work as a decent replacement with out changing your recipe too much.
3rdly and last for now, no matter what you bake, cook, or brew in regards to Marijuana...make sure you know the shelf life for it as usually with in only a few days to a week any medicinal properties in it originally will no longer be there after the shelf life...even if it does still taste good. lol. Also make sure no matter what when you make a medicated always know who your giving it too and sharing with as many will see a yummy meal or baked good and just dig right in if you fail to label it or tell them about it first. lol. Most importantly while cooking or baking in this way always remember to HAVE FUN & ENJOY from the start to finish!
So with these small tips and tricks I have shared with you all in hopes that you use it to help yourself and others that need it around you too. I bid you the best of luck and blessings in your medicated cooking & baking goods! Enjoy and have a blast creating some of the most potent edibles you'll probably ever find anywhere else around you !
(like your local dispensary for instance)
No matter what recipe it is that you decide to choose for your dish of baked goods just remember that that the longer heated or higher heat setting you have it on...the more your losing your medicinal properties wanted.
So with that said as my 1st tip...follow on and I will teach you yet another trick or two that I feel I should share to help spread the consciousness as well.
2ndly, if you really want to give your goods a special boost of medicinal properties; then by all means drop some of your personal stash of "hashish-oil/honey" into it on top of your regular recipe directions called for. If you want it even more medicated you can continue to add other things as medicated butter in place of regular, medicated tea as your water replacement (high cannabinoid content), maybe you have some spare trichome dust to add in with your powder ingredients, and whatever other medicated ingredients you choose honestly! Just try to make sure if you use replacements that it will actually work as a decent replacement with out changing your recipe too much.
3rdly and last for now, no matter what you bake, cook, or brew in regards to Marijuana...make sure you know the shelf life for it as usually with in only a few days to a week any medicinal properties in it originally will no longer be there after the shelf life...even if it does still taste good. lol. Also make sure no matter what when you make a medicated always know who your giving it too and sharing with as many will see a yummy meal or baked good and just dig right in if you fail to label it or tell them about it first. lol. Most importantly while cooking or baking in this way always remember to HAVE FUN & ENJOY from the start to finish!

So with these small tips and tricks I have shared with you all in hopes that you use it to help yourself and others that need it around you too. I bid you the best of luck and blessings in your medicated cooking & baking goods! Enjoy and have a blast creating some of the most potent edibles you'll probably ever find anywhere else around you !


Mmmmmmm...the first medical mj edible I ever experienced! Sweet work there xhippykid!!!