Todays Marijuana Cookbook Lesson Is...MJ Butter!!!
Ok so I've read a lot of recipes and I'm going to hook you up with my own personal really is simple as all hell! lol. Also, please keep in mind this is just per pound of butter we're working with here. If you want more for a crowd or show your going to; then by all means double to triple the recipe! I say it lasts both us medical patients here about 3-5 days depending on how much you use it on everything.
1.) Get yourself a crock pot & fill it with at least 1 POUND of butter. {I use a crock pot method as I've discovered if you keep it on the lowest setting for up to 8 hours or so; you get the best quality medicinal benefits out of it from NOT BURNING IT like you would no matter what on a stove from heating up too quickly.}
2.) After the butter has melted into a is your time to add whatever it is your adding...whether it is just the trimmings and mini buds from your fresh manicured harvest; or actual buds from your stash just for butter. This is also the measurement area of this as well; so pay attention everyone!
Here is my personal breakdown as to how I exactly make my POTENT BUTTER here on:
I use about 1.5 - 2 OUNCES of Trimming and Mini-Buds depending on what you can get to fit well enough with out drying it out completely while cooking. If your using straight up top quality buds for this though I wouldn't use more than a half ounce honestly. Otherwise it's just more of waste in my opinion no matter how much your harvesting in a week! lol.
3.) Now is time to stir it well and see how much the ganja mix has absorbed the liquid butter. If you can't see the liquid over the ganja mix; then just simply add sticks of real butter until the desired amount is met. you should be able to see the butter liquid cover the ganja top and make sure it is not too hot or boiling either. If you do have a hot running one then just figure out the breaking of timing cycle you need is all. Like turn it off completely every other hour until desire is met.
3.) After you have followed these directions and you are ready to solidify your butter its easy as can be...Just filter the Butter and ganja mix through a cheese clothe and a strainer (thats what I use to double filter) to get out the solid chunks you don't want in it. Other wise, a quicker method some even use are to just keep the buds in there and eat it after solidifying it. I personally prefer the non chunky texture though...I just hate eating chunky stuff in general. lol.
4.) Then after you have filtered your butter of chunks you can then use your cheese clothe to draw the ends together, twist, and squeeze out all the remaining Cannabinoids and THC out of it. This which will look like an oil base you then carefully put right back into your butter ready to begin the solidification process.
5.) Find whatever small enough sized container that you want to use for your butter form. Then slowly and carefully add the "green-ish" butter mixture into this container and level it off. Sometimes you can even use more than one little container if you ended up with more than 1 pound when said and done. You then want to let it sit at room temperature for a few hours until you feel it has cooled off itself. Then it is at this point that you are ready to finally put it in the refrigerator and enjoy it when it completely solidifies like butter consistency should be.
Thats it then it's all you on how you want to use your fresh made "Flying High" Ganja Butter! you can either split it and give half to friends, family, or neighbors. Hell you could even hoard it all for yourself for all I care...Just pure and simply...Enjoy the Ride of Medicated Butter!
Ok , there you all go and I bid you the best of luck in your journey to making yummy MJ goodies if you follow me through all the recipes as well. If I can help in any other way by all mean please just ask and I'll get back to you usually with in 24 hours even currently.
Time to finish planning & creating my new Cannabis Album Set for now though...I also apologize for any typo's in advance as I'm super busy today and just wanted to get this out to you all as promised. Keep an eye out for me real soon too everyone!
This toke is for you all!!!
Much Peace, Love, Light, & Ganja!
Ok so I've read a lot of recipes and I'm going to hook you up with my own personal really is simple as all hell! lol. Also, please keep in mind this is just per pound of butter we're working with here. If you want more for a crowd or show your going to; then by all means double to triple the recipe! I say it lasts both us medical patients here about 3-5 days depending on how much you use it on everything.
1.) Get yourself a crock pot & fill it with at least 1 POUND of butter. {I use a crock pot method as I've discovered if you keep it on the lowest setting for up to 8 hours or so; you get the best quality medicinal benefits out of it from NOT BURNING IT like you would no matter what on a stove from heating up too quickly.}
2.) After the butter has melted into a is your time to add whatever it is your adding...whether it is just the trimmings and mini buds from your fresh manicured harvest; or actual buds from your stash just for butter. This is also the measurement area of this as well; so pay attention everyone!
Here is my personal breakdown as to how I exactly make my POTENT BUTTER here on:
I use about 1.5 - 2 OUNCES of Trimming and Mini-Buds depending on what you can get to fit well enough with out drying it out completely while cooking. If your using straight up top quality buds for this though I wouldn't use more than a half ounce honestly. Otherwise it's just more of waste in my opinion no matter how much your harvesting in a week! lol.
3.) Now is time to stir it well and see how much the ganja mix has absorbed the liquid butter. If you can't see the liquid over the ganja mix; then just simply add sticks of real butter until the desired amount is met. you should be able to see the butter liquid cover the ganja top and make sure it is not too hot or boiling either. If you do have a hot running one then just figure out the breaking of timing cycle you need is all. Like turn it off completely every other hour until desire is met.
3.) After you have followed these directions and you are ready to solidify your butter its easy as can be...Just filter the Butter and ganja mix through a cheese clothe and a strainer (thats what I use to double filter) to get out the solid chunks you don't want in it. Other wise, a quicker method some even use are to just keep the buds in there and eat it after solidifying it. I personally prefer the non chunky texture though...I just hate eating chunky stuff in general. lol.
4.) Then after you have filtered your butter of chunks you can then use your cheese clothe to draw the ends together, twist, and squeeze out all the remaining Cannabinoids and THC out of it. This which will look like an oil base you then carefully put right back into your butter ready to begin the solidification process.
5.) Find whatever small enough sized container that you want to use for your butter form. Then slowly and carefully add the "green-ish" butter mixture into this container and level it off. Sometimes you can even use more than one little container if you ended up with more than 1 pound when said and done. You then want to let it sit at room temperature for a few hours until you feel it has cooled off itself. Then it is at this point that you are ready to finally put it in the refrigerator and enjoy it when it completely solidifies like butter consistency should be.
Thats it then it's all you on how you want to use your fresh made "Flying High" Ganja Butter! you can either split it and give half to friends, family, or neighbors. Hell you could even hoard it all for yourself for all I care...Just pure and simply...Enjoy the Ride of Medicated Butter!
Ok , there you all go and I bid you the best of luck in your journey to making yummy MJ goodies if you follow me through all the recipes as well. If I can help in any other way by all mean please just ask and I'll get back to you usually with in 24 hours even currently.
Time to finish planning & creating my new Cannabis Album Set for now though...I also apologize for any typo's in advance as I'm super busy today and just wanted to get this out to you all as promised. Keep an eye out for me real soon too everyone!
This toke is for you all!!!
Much Peace, Love, Light, & Ganja!

Yay! Props for one of the smart ones!!!

Sweet! I will definitely keep this in mind next time I'm doing some cannabis cooking.