Well I'm back..... I got to see Sam and Bob's baby girl last night, she was amazing...... she is gonna be the coolest kid ever... It kinda makes me scared to have kids, because Bob will send Sophie over to beat up my little ones.... The desert sucked ass just so everyone knows.... to bad I have to go the the real thing in about 60 days or so.
...... So all that I'm wanting to do before I leave is have a huge party in mine and Trevor's names..... and see as many concerts as I possibly can.... lets see who can help me with that...... where you at jason......
there will probably be no mini-me's running around since i'm a huge wimp and decided not to call the tutor people and to continue making sandwiches in thornton, as always.
boulder football mobs to be exact. luckily they weren't angry mobs since we won. i set out on foot to get dinner because i was scared of hitting them and also of losing my parking spot. okay, probably more worried about losing the parking spot.