Today is just one of those days. I had a twelve hour guard shift last night and woke up with a sinus headache. I just feel like curling up in a ball on a nice couch and watching old Disney movies. Does anyone remember the original Disney movies like: Castaways, Freaky Friday (the original), Old Yellar, Davie Croket, Swiss family Robinson, and Treasure Island. When I'm sick those are the types of movies I like to watch becuase I can just turn off my brain and just sit there oblivious to the world. I got word yesterday that I have to go on one more mission to this farly dangerous town nerby. Not to exited about that. I don't know why this one is so nerve racking, Maybe because it is at the end of the deployment and I just want to be home. I'm not scared, maybe a little nervous, but I just want it to be over with. Not really much else to update on.
but it was fun
I'm not certain how I feel about that. On one hand, I understand that fans should have a little bit of respect for the stage, but on the other I'm of the opinion that pimp slapping your fans is bad policy.
Any day now, can't wait to get you back my man.