Has anyone heard this album yet? I'm curious how well it will be without Gretta Cohn, the bands former chellist....
I was sitting on guard earlier thinking, and I think about some pretty strange things on guard. So I was thinking about how much harder my grandfather had it in life, and how hard he had to work just to feed his family. See my grandfather, like most of ours, lived through the great ( I don't know why it's so great) depression. He had no work in Texas, mainly because of the dust bowl...

So he packed up his family and headed out to Arizona where he was promised some farm work....

there he started working for someone, don't know who, and he finaly made enough money to buy his own peice of land and start his own farm.... he farmed until he died in March 2005.
I wrote all of this because it just makes me think how nice we have it now because our father's and grandfather's worked so damn hard to provide for the future. I hope that one day later on down the road my grandchildren thank me for being a chubby music lover.....

damn military
I hope I have the chance to have grandchildren.