So the rumors are true, as of now we will be redeploying sometime in OCT 07.... for another goddamned year. At first I thought that I would be able to get out of it because I was/am scheduled to get out in June 08 but now we will be in Iraq and I don't think that they'll let me go home in the middle of a deployment, that would be nice though. I'm really trying hard not to get to upset about the whole thing... so what do I do when I get sad, glad, happy, in love.... whatever, I make a playlist. So here is my fuck the army and everything they're about playlist, for this week. enjoy.
Fuck athority- Pennywise
Open your eyes-goldfinger
Asaok-Less than Jake
Sick Little Suicide-the matches
throw down-motion city soundtrack
nervous breakdown-nerf herder
rape me- nirvana
american erroist- nofx
shaunluu- norma jean
gotta get away- the offspring
angry situations- save farris
best revenge- screw 32
kick some ass- stroke 9
politician- swingin' utters
betrayal is a symtom- thrice
i am the killer- thursday
F.T.W- tiger army
count me out- tsunami bomb
give me someone I can trust- voodoo glow skulls
Fuck athority- Pennywise
Open your eyes-goldfinger
Asaok-Less than Jake
Sick Little Suicide-the matches
throw down-motion city soundtrack
nervous breakdown-nerf herder
rape me- nirvana
american erroist- nofx
shaunluu- norma jean
gotta get away- the offspring
angry situations- save farris
best revenge- screw 32
kick some ass- stroke 9
politician- swingin' utters
betrayal is a symtom- thrice
i am the killer- thursday
F.T.W- tiger army
count me out- tsunami bomb
give me someone I can trust- voodoo glow skulls
i love french fries...

I'm sorry to hear the news