Well since Industrielle is so interested in twenty facts, I will do so in indulging her.....
1. I sing, but only in my car..
2. I love slow songs....
3. I fall in love really easy...
4. I drink entirely too much....
5. I can't spell for shit.
6. I don't even look at the photosets on here anymore....
7. I love music, and spend more money on that than food...
8. I smoke way too much... kinda goes with the drinking.
9. I want to have kids, and be a cool ass Dad...
10. I'm scared of drowning...
11. I love getting tattooed. my Dad hates it
12. I strive to be myself in everything I do...
13. I've had the shoes that I'm wearing right now for three years...
14. I think, and worry, too much... about dumb shit too...
15. I like to drive fast....
16. I like to be bitten.... on the neck..... by vampires....
17. I like staying up all night....
18. I like to just sit in my room by myself and play my guitar for hours at a time.... on occasion...
19. I worry about the future, and look forward to it at the same time.... I'm goofy..
20. And most importantly.... I love everyone....
Well since we are apparently playing the taggy tag tag game I get to choose someone now unh? mmmmmm... I choose.... HeatherAnn, Smashedpumpkin33, and prcnct13...
post up 20 facts about yourselves.... for me, and the world to see....

1. I sing, but only in my car..
2. I love slow songs....
3. I fall in love really easy...
4. I drink entirely too much....
5. I can't spell for shit.

6. I don't even look at the photosets on here anymore....
7. I love music, and spend more money on that than food...
8. I smoke way too much... kinda goes with the drinking.
9. I want to have kids, and be a cool ass Dad...
10. I'm scared of drowning...
11. I love getting tattooed. my Dad hates it
12. I strive to be myself in everything I do...
13. I've had the shoes that I'm wearing right now for three years...
14. I think, and worry, too much... about dumb shit too...
15. I like to drive fast....
16. I like to be bitten.... on the neck..... by vampires....

17. I like staying up all night....
18. I like to just sit in my room by myself and play my guitar for hours at a time.... on occasion...
19. I worry about the future, and look forward to it at the same time.... I'm goofy..
20. And most importantly.... I love everyone....

Well since we are apparently playing the taggy tag tag game I get to choose someone now unh? mmmmmm... I choose.... HeatherAnn, Smashedpumpkin33, and prcnct13...

post up 20 facts about yourselves.... for me, and the world to see....

everyone has to do 20 facts it seems...like chain letters! scary.