I have been spending a whole lot of time alone lately due to my husband working a different shift for meetings. With all this extra time and not being a social creature, I have spent a lot of hours in my own head. With the stream of thoughts and the questions asked it saddens me to say...I'm 31 and I have no idea who I am. Total mind blower, I know, but then I think so what do I do about this dilemma that faces me.
First, let me say that I'm writing this here and not on my other social media because SG, even though I have only been a member for a short time, seems like a community of more accepters than judgers.
So how did I get here? I can go back so far and think "Man, I had everything figured out." But now being honest with myself, I had no clue. I always been one to please others and to do that I tried to assimilate as much of them into me. It began early on with my mom. She wanted me to be a great student, get a scholarship, go to college, make lots of money. I understand that...most parents want that for their children, but I did that strictly for her (two times around). But I know it was only to please, because when I quit college the second time only 6 weeks from graduation, it was the questions that unnerved me. "What am I going to do now? What will make me happy?" I had no answers at all.
It was the same the few times in life when I had a bff. I took liking the same things they enjoyed to make it easier to hang out. Out of this came my love for sex, drugs, and alcohol. I also had stints of being a holy rolling Jesus freak. Granted I never have done anything I didn't want to, but have never questioned before now if this was truly what I was or wanted. I think it was all out of fear of being rejected by others.
I know my self-esteem has always been lacking, but I thought I had gained some ground since my early 20s. I was more comfortable in my own skin...took to liking myself a little more. But how can you completely love yourself if you don't know who that is? I have no idea....
But, I don't want this to be a total Debbie Downer blog. I'm looking for answers...I don't want to be sad anymore. I want to find a true happiness. I'm not looking for fame and fortune, just the ability to be my true self and to look back with little regret. How do I find me? Any thoughts? I don't know where to even begin. In this new year, though, I'm putting it all towards figuring out who I am. I think I finally owe it to myself <3