I have been spending a whole lot of time alone lately due to my husband working a different shift for meetings. With all this extra time and not being a social creature, I have spent a lot of hours in my own head. With the stream of thoughts and the questions asked it saddens me to say...I'm 31 and I have no idea who I...
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I have been stuck in the house since Friday night. My husband was lovely enough to bring the flu home from work. So, cabin fever is beginning to set in even though I have no energy and am still weak. I have, however, been able to catch up on movies I wanted to see (Cloud Atlas/Snow White and The Huntsman Both highly recommend) and check...
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I do have to say...I'm so glad it is Friday. The flu is running rampade in my neck of the woods, so I'm hoping that the ick that is starting to set in is just a nasty cold. A weekend of restoration is in store. Anybody else feeling the ick?
With all the technology around (fb, ig, and email), I love getting an old-fashioned postcard, letter, or note. With this being said I would love to find a pen pal. My membership to SG falls short time wise to apply to the pen pal group just yet, so I'm looking to get the ball rolling. In general, I'm a nerdy, Whovian who likes to read...
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I have finally had a chance to go through some of the pics from the Nashville show on Wednesday. All I can say is I had an awesome time. I've been counting down the days since August when I first bought tickets.
A little background...I'm somewhere in the middle of Nashville and Cincinatti so could have gone to either show, but ultimately decided on Nashville
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Currently sitting outside Marathon Music Works in Nashville. I've been counting down the days to this show since August. Pics definitely to come ;)