and not to pull your halo down... around your neck and tug you off your cloud....
my parents are going to Falling Waters this weekend and they are dropping by on friday to borrow my camera so my mom can take so-so snapshots of my dream home/subject.
i'm so jealous you have no idea. not to mention i just got another assignment for my Theory... Read More
note to self: do not sit around in an extremely air conditioned room with only a hoodie on. your lower bits with become very chilled and you will sneeze.
Whats going on kiddo. I saw that you are watching the skinny puppy party on the 21th. I hope to see you there! But besides that, we should be friends because you have braids and I love em!
i have fuchsia yarn in my hair now. it looks so cute ^^ but i think i caught the newspaper boy off guard just then... XD my long styled hair and wearing a mini mini green hippie dress that has suns and pot leaves on it.
so i went to Chris's house at 8am monday morning so we could work on my hair all... Read More
anime is always fun!! now about the yarnmight be fun just never put yarn in my hair but it is very hot on you!!now back to anime watch flcl its crazy!! o-o-o-o-yeahhh HI