sitting at emily's eating pieces of bazooka joe bubble gum. the sugary pink grinding way it chews. listening to jeff buckley and neil young and talking about elliot smith stabbing himself multiple times in the heart.
trying to remember the words to puff the magic dragon between the four of us. all flimsy and filled with giggles in the heat and weed dreaming. forget about it.
first day of spring is such a good song. when did i stop listening to the gandharvas? i remember when i started.
i was up late after everyone else was sleeping. scared to death that aliens were going to abduct me in the night. my sister comes in from somewhere. loud. with so much noise. i can hear her peeing. brushing her teeth. putting in a new cd.
'are you sleeping?' i pretend i am. if the aliens are coming i want them to think i'm asleep. her curly hair is in my face and i have to roll over. exaggerated. the proof that i was in a dead sleep. oh look at her. she's sleeping. and the gandharvas telling me to get out of bed. 'cuz there's no way of telling how long this will last. i remember thinking it was pretty. that music i heard with my eyes squeezing shut on the fold out couch in my dad's living room.
trying to remember the words to puff the magic dragon between the four of us. all flimsy and filled with giggles in the heat and weed dreaming. forget about it.
first day of spring is such a good song. when did i stop listening to the gandharvas? i remember when i started.
i was up late after everyone else was sleeping. scared to death that aliens were going to abduct me in the night. my sister comes in from somewhere. loud. with so much noise. i can hear her peeing. brushing her teeth. putting in a new cd.
'are you sleeping?' i pretend i am. if the aliens are coming i want them to think i'm asleep. her curly hair is in my face and i have to roll over. exaggerated. the proof that i was in a dead sleep. oh look at her. she's sleeping. and the gandharvas telling me to get out of bed. 'cuz there's no way of telling how long this will last. i remember thinking it was pretty. that music i heard with my eyes squeezing shut on the fold out couch in my dad's living room.
Ben Rawks