Tread carefully
The remenants of this love
Lie on the ground
Fragments like colored glass
Once whole
Depicted our place in Elysium
Like a cosmic janitor
The broom of time
Slowly sweeps them away
Evening sets the mood gently
When the rain still clings to the air
Like mother to the child
A summer night gives way
To a humid desire
The porch wall meets your back
Clothes damp with persperation
Stuck like a tight second skin
Lavender and mint drift off your form
A musk just faint
Lingers on the air like electricity
You begin the ceremony of desire
Ice plucked from your cup
Slowly you move it across your neck
Water pools with your salt
Etching designs upon your skin
As gravity motions down
This voodoo ritual you perform
Hold my eyes and soul
As my body and thoughts
Betray me fully
The magic of your spell takes hold
The remenants of this love
Lie on the ground
Fragments like colored glass
Once whole
Depicted our place in Elysium
Like a cosmic janitor
The broom of time
Slowly sweeps them away
Evening sets the mood gently
When the rain still clings to the air
Like mother to the child
A summer night gives way
To a humid desire
The porch wall meets your back
Clothes damp with persperation
Stuck like a tight second skin
Lavender and mint drift off your form
A musk just faint
Lingers on the air like electricity
You begin the ceremony of desire
Ice plucked from your cup
Slowly you move it across your neck
Water pools with your salt
Etching designs upon your skin
As gravity motions down
This voodoo ritual you perform
Hold my eyes and soul
As my body and thoughts
Betray me fully
The magic of your spell takes hold