Warning: This is long and involved so if you are of brave spirit continue onwards.
I subscribe to planned circumstance. Thats right. That is what I said. Yes it makes no sense but hear me out. Those two interesting people that I spoke of are Tempest and Inannamute. Well here is how planned circumstance works out. Or you can call it fate whatever.
Tempest and I were talking about brian froud and some of is books that he had created long ago. So that got my brain thinking. Yesterday I told Inannmute I would get a book by Neal Stephenson and read it since she highly recommended it. So I got to the book store today. I don't find any of his novels. But I do find Neuromancer which I haven't read in ages and I pick it up. Now what happens next I dont' know why but I figured what the hell look in F section of Fantasy and see if they had Froud.
There it was. THE BOOK. The book i have been searching for years for. The World Of The Dark Crystal. I had forgotten about it when it went out of print long ago. And the talk of Froud resurrected it. I screamed and snatched it like a crack addicted riding a 3 week high and needing to smoke up just to come down. I had reached nirvana. I had found it. I was in a sense whole.
Now that i've got your attention. Why the hell am I ranting about a book? See its not a book. Its an idea. Its a form. It is a living spirit. It invokes within me a passion of which even words would blaspheme to come from my lips. The Dark Crystal is my all time favorite movie. EVER!!!! It completly rewrote my mind as a child. I can tell you how many popcorn pieces I ate the day I watched it in the theater as a child. 193. Thats how deeply that movie affected me.
I have litterally torn that movie apart in my mind millions of times. Millions. It has inspired within me so many things. You see that movie made me realize or feel so many things. Females and males are different. Good and Evil are opposing but necessary to the whole. To give in to temptation you shall lose all. In this life there shall be many perils and obstacles but people along the way become the strangest and strongest of allies.
The Dark Crystal is a world of trinity, shapes, dreams, forms, math etc. Watch it some time and see how many triangle refrences you catch. Think of the great conjunction when 3 suns align and send light through the crystal. It goes in cycles every 1000 years. The crystal cracked when the urSkeks wanted to use the crystal to burn out the evil within themselves and become pure good. Instead they seperated into good and evil. Which caused the inevitable decline of the entire world. Until the chance of the next conjunction.
What I really remember more than anything is the relationship of Jen and Kira. Yin and Yang. Negative and Positive. Alone quite strong but a force when joined. It is the taoist in me that seeks that balance. Their life forces joined as one. I think that is the ultimate goal. When we are all a part of one another instead of divided by our common egos. When two people reach that state of cognitive existence its beautiful. You have moved beyond the bullshit. The puppy love the hate the illusions. There is what should be. Balance.
Balance that is what I love in life. The Skeksis and the Mystics broke that balance. Their reward was death. Now this is where i crank it up a philosophical notch. If you rip away your understanding of the past and future of yourself then death is inevitable. You become weak. This happened to them. Upon seperation they slowly decayed into dust and smoke. When they rejoined they became immortal. This to me is metaphorical of a sorts. If we as a people try to remove and negate our pasts, to the point of where we cannot map out our own future we die. I am speaking on an individual level mind you. If you try to just deny one of these aspects to yourself then you are destined to die. I mean this spiritually. Within the soul. I think many of us do this to ourselves and rob ourselves of life and immortality. Only if we reconcile both can we figure our path and our fate and in that we live.
This is what happens when i get passionat about something. So please mind my insanity. I just could go on about this movie for years. But I really want to get to the heart of something else. The afformentioned thoughts were a preamble to what is to come.
Words. Say it with me. Words. they have power within them. Have you noticed we're losing words. As we progress further we regress in ability to express ourselves. We shorten our vocaulary with little paraphrases and acronymns. We lose our eloquence. We lose our voice. When is the last time you heard the word non-chalant. Or anthropomorphic. Now I know what you are saying. Why the hell should I care. Well when you lose a word you lose that thought. That ability to express. And you lose your power. Ever sat down and read things like the Declaration of Indepence. The words are just beautiful. You can feel the power in them. No one speaks like that anymore. If you are from a different country is it the same for you? Do your documents lack the power they used have?
I sat in a bar today. Reading my books. And this guy looks at me and goes you are reading in a bar? I replied yes. He asked why would you read when you can watch the tv. That angered me. I went on about how using tv shows a lack of determination. A lack of personal resolution to see something through. You can fast foward a movie. You can't a book. It requires discipline and focus. You must concentrate. Drink in the words. Let it plant seeds of consciousness into your soul. Raise the notch. Expect more of yourself and the people around you. It is this lack that causes us to accept crap in our lives. We argue bitterly about how nothing is good anymore yet we still buy into it.
Don't let them take that power away from us. Don't let them poison your kids minds with the thoughts of individuality only to cut out their ability to find that place. They teach them how to read but only enough to fill out tax forms. Where is the justice in that? No wonder they have lost hope. They will soon never even have that word. Learn as much as you can and spit in the faces of those who would suggest otherwise.
And with that I leave you with this note.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
How does that make you feel?
I subscribe to planned circumstance. Thats right. That is what I said. Yes it makes no sense but hear me out. Those two interesting people that I spoke of are Tempest and Inannamute. Well here is how planned circumstance works out. Or you can call it fate whatever.
Tempest and I were talking about brian froud and some of is books that he had created long ago. So that got my brain thinking. Yesterday I told Inannmute I would get a book by Neal Stephenson and read it since she highly recommended it. So I got to the book store today. I don't find any of his novels. But I do find Neuromancer which I haven't read in ages and I pick it up. Now what happens next I dont' know why but I figured what the hell look in F section of Fantasy and see if they had Froud.
There it was. THE BOOK. The book i have been searching for years for. The World Of The Dark Crystal. I had forgotten about it when it went out of print long ago. And the talk of Froud resurrected it. I screamed and snatched it like a crack addicted riding a 3 week high and needing to smoke up just to come down. I had reached nirvana. I had found it. I was in a sense whole.
Now that i've got your attention. Why the hell am I ranting about a book? See its not a book. Its an idea. Its a form. It is a living spirit. It invokes within me a passion of which even words would blaspheme to come from my lips. The Dark Crystal is my all time favorite movie. EVER!!!! It completly rewrote my mind as a child. I can tell you how many popcorn pieces I ate the day I watched it in the theater as a child. 193. Thats how deeply that movie affected me.
I have litterally torn that movie apart in my mind millions of times. Millions. It has inspired within me so many things. You see that movie made me realize or feel so many things. Females and males are different. Good and Evil are opposing but necessary to the whole. To give in to temptation you shall lose all. In this life there shall be many perils and obstacles but people along the way become the strangest and strongest of allies.
The Dark Crystal is a world of trinity, shapes, dreams, forms, math etc. Watch it some time and see how many triangle refrences you catch. Think of the great conjunction when 3 suns align and send light through the crystal. It goes in cycles every 1000 years. The crystal cracked when the urSkeks wanted to use the crystal to burn out the evil within themselves and become pure good. Instead they seperated into good and evil. Which caused the inevitable decline of the entire world. Until the chance of the next conjunction.
What I really remember more than anything is the relationship of Jen and Kira. Yin and Yang. Negative and Positive. Alone quite strong but a force when joined. It is the taoist in me that seeks that balance. Their life forces joined as one. I think that is the ultimate goal. When we are all a part of one another instead of divided by our common egos. When two people reach that state of cognitive existence its beautiful. You have moved beyond the bullshit. The puppy love the hate the illusions. There is what should be. Balance.
Balance that is what I love in life. The Skeksis and the Mystics broke that balance. Their reward was death. Now this is where i crank it up a philosophical notch. If you rip away your understanding of the past and future of yourself then death is inevitable. You become weak. This happened to them. Upon seperation they slowly decayed into dust and smoke. When they rejoined they became immortal. This to me is metaphorical of a sorts. If we as a people try to remove and negate our pasts, to the point of where we cannot map out our own future we die. I am speaking on an individual level mind you. If you try to just deny one of these aspects to yourself then you are destined to die. I mean this spiritually. Within the soul. I think many of us do this to ourselves and rob ourselves of life and immortality. Only if we reconcile both can we figure our path and our fate and in that we live.
This is what happens when i get passionat about something. So please mind my insanity. I just could go on about this movie for years. But I really want to get to the heart of something else. The afformentioned thoughts were a preamble to what is to come.
Words. Say it with me. Words. they have power within them. Have you noticed we're losing words. As we progress further we regress in ability to express ourselves. We shorten our vocaulary with little paraphrases and acronymns. We lose our eloquence. We lose our voice. When is the last time you heard the word non-chalant. Or anthropomorphic. Now I know what you are saying. Why the hell should I care. Well when you lose a word you lose that thought. That ability to express. And you lose your power. Ever sat down and read things like the Declaration of Indepence. The words are just beautiful. You can feel the power in them. No one speaks like that anymore. If you are from a different country is it the same for you? Do your documents lack the power they used have?
I sat in a bar today. Reading my books. And this guy looks at me and goes you are reading in a bar? I replied yes. He asked why would you read when you can watch the tv. That angered me. I went on about how using tv shows a lack of determination. A lack of personal resolution to see something through. You can fast foward a movie. You can't a book. It requires discipline and focus. You must concentrate. Drink in the words. Let it plant seeds of consciousness into your soul. Raise the notch. Expect more of yourself and the people around you. It is this lack that causes us to accept crap in our lives. We argue bitterly about how nothing is good anymore yet we still buy into it.
Don't let them take that power away from us. Don't let them poison your kids minds with the thoughts of individuality only to cut out their ability to find that place. They teach them how to read but only enough to fill out tax forms. Where is the justice in that? No wonder they have lost hope. They will soon never even have that word. Learn as much as you can and spit in the faces of those who would suggest otherwise.
And with that I leave you with this note.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
How does that make you feel?
to me it happened so many times!!!!