American Media turning america gay
Well its about fucking time. The morbid bastards that I work with are constantly bitching and never happy. Oh wait. I think I read that wrong. Ohhhhh they mean we're all becoming homosexuals? *goes to look at sets* Nope I still like women. Gotta love how the media will sensationalize anything and without fail cause more harm than any good. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity I ask you. Where truth took president over sensationalism. Are we so morally defunct we have to go back to just picking on certain sections of society and cause a ruckus just so we can create our own news? Oh William Randolph Hearst your ghost still haunts us.
Now to present why I think this whole cinema is turning us gay is bullshit. I have to back track a bit though to a few years ago. I believe it was in South Dakota(i might be wrong if i am correct me) they were proposing a gay marriage bill. Now the bill was merely asking for the same rights as normal married couples. I figure hey sounds okay to me. I mean its just saying let us be equals. Same as they screamed for with african american and womens rights. Here is the kicker though. When senators opposed to this bill knew it was coming up for voting put a slant on this. They put forth that gays were asking for SPECIAL rights. You see what this does? No one likes to think someone has more rights or is special above them. This causes anger and division. So of course in the end the bill failed miserably.
Moving forward to today. The gaying of America by hollywood cinema. What the fuck ever. Movies for years have portrayed this subject matter in a lot more graphic detail than these current movies have. What is the difference? These are high budgeted films that seek to break away from stereotypes set forth by small minded individuals. Instead of the flamer running around with a lisp being extremly feminine you have movies like brokeback mountain where they are rugged cowboys. Don't fuck with the cowboys mister and don't say nothing bad about elvis. Puleaseeee. Movies are entertainment and nothing more. They present multiple views of reality outside our own realm of experience. That is why i watch a movie. Its entertainment. Some times it informs me, some times it misinforms me, but the bottom point is I want to be entertained. People who think that this is some veiled attempt to turn us all against our sexuality should probably be arguing that the Illuminati are out to get us all. Such leaps in logic. Tisk Tisk.
The way this sounds to me is like this. Somewhere in the middle of the night, the queer nazis are going to break into our homes. They are going to drag us out of our beds and they are going to beat the straight out of us. WTF?? What is so funny about peace, love and understanding? I really wish people had better things to do than cook up shit like this. People are dying in wars, people are dying of hunger, people are dying from drug addictions. Why in the hell does it matter that 2 cowboys kiss on screen? Jesus H. Christ. Get over it. This is why I don't read or watch the news anymore. Why learn about a world that they want me to see. I go elsewhere for my news like bbc, and various non-american sites. Of course they are going to be skewed but I don't have to listen to the bs that i've had to put up with in our own publications.
Why do we focus on such petty things instead of the big problems? Because if we focused on the big problems they might be solved and the government wouldn't have anything for us to be afraid of anymore, and that scares the shit out of them.
Okay drunken rant done
Well its about fucking time. The morbid bastards that I work with are constantly bitching and never happy. Oh wait. I think I read that wrong. Ohhhhh they mean we're all becoming homosexuals? *goes to look at sets* Nope I still like women. Gotta love how the media will sensationalize anything and without fail cause more harm than any good. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity I ask you. Where truth took president over sensationalism. Are we so morally defunct we have to go back to just picking on certain sections of society and cause a ruckus just so we can create our own news? Oh William Randolph Hearst your ghost still haunts us.
Now to present why I think this whole cinema is turning us gay is bullshit. I have to back track a bit though to a few years ago. I believe it was in South Dakota(i might be wrong if i am correct me) they were proposing a gay marriage bill. Now the bill was merely asking for the same rights as normal married couples. I figure hey sounds okay to me. I mean its just saying let us be equals. Same as they screamed for with african american and womens rights. Here is the kicker though. When senators opposed to this bill knew it was coming up for voting put a slant on this. They put forth that gays were asking for SPECIAL rights. You see what this does? No one likes to think someone has more rights or is special above them. This causes anger and division. So of course in the end the bill failed miserably.
Moving forward to today. The gaying of America by hollywood cinema. What the fuck ever. Movies for years have portrayed this subject matter in a lot more graphic detail than these current movies have. What is the difference? These are high budgeted films that seek to break away from stereotypes set forth by small minded individuals. Instead of the flamer running around with a lisp being extremly feminine you have movies like brokeback mountain where they are rugged cowboys. Don't fuck with the cowboys mister and don't say nothing bad about elvis. Puleaseeee. Movies are entertainment and nothing more. They present multiple views of reality outside our own realm of experience. That is why i watch a movie. Its entertainment. Some times it informs me, some times it misinforms me, but the bottom point is I want to be entertained. People who think that this is some veiled attempt to turn us all against our sexuality should probably be arguing that the Illuminati are out to get us all. Such leaps in logic. Tisk Tisk.
The way this sounds to me is like this. Somewhere in the middle of the night, the queer nazis are going to break into our homes. They are going to drag us out of our beds and they are going to beat the straight out of us. WTF?? What is so funny about peace, love and understanding? I really wish people had better things to do than cook up shit like this. People are dying in wars, people are dying of hunger, people are dying from drug addictions. Why in the hell does it matter that 2 cowboys kiss on screen? Jesus H. Christ. Get over it. This is why I don't read or watch the news anymore. Why learn about a world that they want me to see. I go elsewhere for my news like bbc, and various non-american sites. Of course they are going to be skewed but I don't have to listen to the bs that i've had to put up with in our own publications.
Why do we focus on such petty things instead of the big problems? Because if we focused on the big problems they might be solved and the government wouldn't have anything for us to be afraid of anymore, and that scares the shit out of them.
Okay drunken rant done
Here's one way to look at it.. I suppose it helps to prove what an easily led bunch of guppies most of the "general population" is.. (as if we needed more proof.)
And let's not forget the dangers of fanatasism.